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Person applying lime to yard.

As summer comes to an end, the time for fall lawn care approaches. Warm-season grass growth is beginning to slow down while temperatures become slightly cooler. 

Sassafras Tree Leaves

Tree of the Month: Sassafras

June 3, 2024

This tree is quite a unique specimen. Its qualities – name, oil, habitat, and how it reproduces – make sassafras a tree to marvel at. 

A group of zinnias with the sky in the background.

How to Grow a Cut Flower Garden

May 28, 2024

Do you enjoy having cut flowers around the house? With the right preparation and some gardening labor, you can harvest your own blossoms just outside the back door.

Kids jumping in a lake

Summer Water Safety Tips

May 24, 2024

With the temperatures rising, many people are heading to the pool, river, or lake to beat the heat. It’s important to keep water safety in mind when out with friends and family.

A bowl of Mediterranean Salad.

The Food Factor: Mediterranean Salad

May 21, 2024

This Mediterranean Salad makes a great meal or side dish.

Closeup of a dial on a pressure canner.

Home Canning Q&A

May 17, 2024

Home canning is an economical way to preserve the bounty of your garden. This Q&A may answer some questions for you, whether you’re new to canning or you’ve been canning for years.

A woman stands behind a kitchen counter with a variety of foods displayed.

Tips to Manage High Blood Pressure

May 15, 2024

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant risk factor for heart disease. However, healthy lifestyle choices can reduce or eliminate your risk.

A plate of PBJ Nachos

The Food Factor: Slammin’ Graham PBJ Nachos

May 9, 2024

These simple five-minute peanut butter and jelly apple nachos are the perfect treat!

White flowers blooming on a tree.

Tree of the Month: Southern Catalpa

May 7, 2024

We’ve talked about a few trees this year. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two about how to identify different trees! 

Largemouth Bass Fish

Six Common Fish in Mississippi

April 30, 2024

Fishing is a common pastime in the South. In fact, 4-H fishing clubs are one of the fastest growing 4-H clubs in Mississippi! Do you know the different fish species?

A cucumber leaf with disease lesions rests on a hand.

MSU Extension Plant Diagnostic Laboratory: How Can It Help You?

April 25, 2024

Did you know the Mississippi State University Extension Service has a laboratory that is designated to diagnose plant diseases and nematodes? Yes, it does! Learn how the Mississippi State University Extension Service Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and its scientists protect the crops that provide our food and fiber along with other home and garden crops.


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About Extension for Real Life

Extension for Real Life is a product of the MSU Extension Service’s Office of Agricultural Communications.

That’s a long way of saying we are professional communicators who get to talk about food, families, 4-H, flowers, and farming for a living.

Blog content is created by a core team of communicators, including Susan Collins-Smith, Ellen Graves, Natasha Haynes, Qula Madkin, Michaela Parker, and Jonathan Parrish. But we get by with a lot of help from our friends in Ag Comm and Extension!

You can reach us at 662-325-2262 or extreallife@msstate.edu