Soil Fertility
Plants grown on soil are essential for human nutrition. Plants, on the other hand, depend on soil for all their nutrients except carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Guidelines and information about managing soil fertility, from the soils on your farm to the specific soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations for your crops, can be found in these publications:
Overall Nutrient Management and Fertilizers
Nutrient Management Guidelines for Agronomic Crops Grown in Mississippi
Soil Testing for the Homeowner
Soil and Broiler Litter Testing Basics
Nutrient Management Planning Basics
Inorganic Fertilizers For Crop Production
Urea-based Fertilizers in Forage Production
Interpreting Soil Testing Laboratory Results for Vegetable Crops
Soil Nutrients
Potassium in Mississippi Soils
Phosphorus in Mississippi Soils
Secondary Plant Nutrients: Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur
Micronutrients in Crop Production
Agricultural Limestone's Neutralizing Value
Particular Crops
Inorganic Nutrient Management for Cotton Production In Mississippi
Soybeans: Liming and Fertilization
Establishing A Forage Fertility Program
Strategies for Better Management of Pasture Fertilization
Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck: A Guide for Liming and Fertilizing WILDLIFE FOOD PLOTS
Early fall is one of the best times to test your soil. A soil test can tell you if your lawn or garden needs critical nutrients and how much. This way, your plants and your wallet will stay healthy. You won’t waste your money applying fertilizer or lime that your plants don’t need.