Fruit and Nut Diseases
In Mississippi, pecan and a number of fruits are produced commercially. Pecan trees are a common backyard tree, and many fruit trees and plants are also planted in backyards. Fruit production, whether for commercial or personal use, is not always an easy task. A variety of disorders, insects, diseases, and pests may cause problems during any given season and may damage a crop leading to reduced or poor-quality yields.
The information available on the linked pages is intended to provide valuable information about fruit and pecan diseases and management for the home gardener and commercial grower. All MSU Extension publications that contain information on or related to disease management in fruits and pecans are listed (and linked) on the Fruit and Nut Disease Publications page. Events at which fruit and pecan disease information will be presented are listed on the Fruit and Nut Disease Calendar page. Updates or reminders pertaining to the occurrence or management of fruit and pecan diseases as they may occur or become available will be posted on the Fruit and Nut Disease Updates page.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- A statewide citrus quarantine was issued recently for Mississippi after one of the most serious citrus plant diseases in the world was detected in the state. Citrus greening, also known as Huanglongbing or HLB, was confirmed earlier this year, according to a press release from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or USDA APHIS. There is no cure for the disease, which is caused by a bacterial infection spread by the Asian citrus psyllid, a gnat-sized insect. Infected trees die within a few years.
Blueberry leaf rust has been identified on blueberries in Perry County, and everyone in the state with blueberries is cautioned to be on the lookout for this disease.
Alan Henn, plant pathologist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said leaf rust is not a common disease of blueberries in Mississippi, but it has been identified occasionally in several Mississippi counties during the last 10 years.