Mississippi Beef Cattle Production
Beef production is a significant component of Mississippi agriculture. The total value of production of cattle and calves in Mississippi is estimated at $406 million for 2023. Total cattle inventory in Mississippi on January 1, 2024 was 810,000 head, including 424,000 head of beef cows and 81,000 head of beef cow replacements. This is down 5% from Janaury 1, 2023. There were 15,980 beef cattle farms in 2022. Stocker cattle production is also very prominent with 400,000+ head of stocker cattle residing in the state annually. Beef cattle operations in Mississippi currently total approximately 15,980 operations.
Spring 2025 BCIA Bull and Heifer Sale
Nominations are open for the Spring 2025 BCIA Bull and Heifer Sale. Nominations are due January 27.
Spring 2025 AI School Registration Open
The Spring 2025 Cattle AI School will be held March 20-22, 2025. Space is limited to the first 35 participants and spots typically fill up well in advacne of the school. We encourage early registration.
For complete details visit: Cattle AI School
Cattle Over Coffee Summer Webinar Series
Livestock Antibiotic Rules
For more information see this publication: Navigating Livestock Antibiotic Regulations
Beef Quality Assurance Trainings Scheduled
No current upcoming Meetings
Meal at 6:00pm * Certification classes start at 6:30 p.m.
Training options:
1-Complete the course virtually and receive the BQA manual and completion certificate electronically. (Free)
2-Complete the course virtually or in-person (where available*) and receive the BQA manual, completion certificate, vaccine cooler, and bumper sticker via mail ($20 per person)
*Check with your local cattlemen's association or county extension office to see if an in person option will be offered in your area.
*Pre-registration is required in advacne if materials are requested
To request a BQA meeting in your area please contact Dr. Huston or Dr. Karisch.
A certification fee of $15 is required and includes manual, vaccine cooler, and bumper sticker.Certifications begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information on the BQA program.
Master Cattle Producer Regsitration Hold
The Master Cattle Producer Program is currently undergoing a transition to an online learning management system and content is being updated, and as such there will be a delay in video and content availability. Please bear with us during this tranistion, and we will share the new site when it is available.
What do you need to know about VFD?

MSUES Cattle Apps
The MSUES Cattle Calculator App is now available for download for Apple and Android devices. Cattle Calculator allows beef cattle producers to make quick everyday calculations important for their operations. Calculations related to reproductive management, animal performance, and management decisions are available. Reproductive calculations include: calving date based on a known breeding date, breeding date based on a known calving date, number of days pregnant based on today's date and a breeding date, and a breeding season calculator which provides calving and breeding dates based on a set breeding season. Animal performance calculations include: Adjusted birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, average daily gain, and required gain. Management calculation include: dosage calculations for dewormers and medicines given an animal weight and manufacturer's recommended dosage, frame score calculations, trailer stocking density, and yield grade.
MSUES Cattle Calculator App download for Apple devices
MSUES Cattle Calculator App download for Android devices
eXtension Beef Cattle Clearinghouse
eXtension provides objective and research-based information and learning opportunities that help people improve their lives. It is an educational partnership of 74 universities in the United States. The eXtension Beef Cattle Clearinghouse focuses on practical beef production information.
Beef Extension Listserv Sign-up
Sign up to stay up to date on the latest Beef Extension news and events.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Beef cattle prices are the best they have been in nearly a decade for Mississippi’s producers, but they face some tough management challenges to ensure their operations are profitable.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Small ruminants are a popular choice for people like J.T. Crownover who want to get into the livestock business but do not want to raise cattle. Crownover attended the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Producer Advisory Council meeting Feb. 20. The forum, where agricultural producers can discuss their needs with MSU administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents, was the catalyst for the university’s active small ruminant program.
Mississippi cattle operations must constantly improve efficiency to remain profitable, as rising production costs are decreasing the benefit of high market prices. Brandi Karisch, beef specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said beef production is a significant component of the state’s agricultural economy, with a total estimated value of $318 million in 2022.
Success Stories
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
Cruising into Madison County, you see a cultivated urban landscape full of brick edifices and manicured lawns spring up around you. Your cell phone announces your turnoff, and you comply, turning onto an older road that soon turns to gravel.
Gaddis & McLaurin might sound more like the name of a law firm than a general store, but the name is synonymous with all manner of dry goods in the Hinds County community of Bolton and has been since the 1870s.