Education Programs
Mississippi in Motion
MIM is a program that can improve the health of Mississippi county residents, industry employees, and individuals on university campuses by helping people increase their physical activity and develop healthier eating behaviors.
Mississippi in Motion is a 12-week educational program focusing on developing healthy habits for life.
Healthy Habits for Life
Healthy Habits for Life is a six-week program to help participants build lifelong eating and fitness habits that includes good nutrition, consistent physical activity, body appearance and a positive attitude. The program is designed to encourage participants to make gradual permanent lifestyle changes resulting in higher energy levels and decreased health risks. Healthy Habits for Life manuals to accompany the program can be ordered for $15.00.
Take Care of Yourself
Participants will learn to apply assertiveness, decision-making, and communication skills to health problems, and to negotiate the healthcare system more effectively. This 1-hour workshop teaches participants to observe and describe health changes, recognize true emergencies, manage minor health problems at home, and decide if a health professional is needed. As a result, participants improve the quality of their healthcare, avoid unnecessary expense, and use medicine more wisely. Appropriate for all age adults. A limited number of free books are available for participants in this workshop.
Take Charge of Your Health
An entertaining and informative program that emphasizes the importance of incorporating healthy habits into daily life and helps families to understand why it is important for them to Take Charge of Their Health.
The Strong Women Program
A fitness program for women based upon extensive research involving strength training and women's health. women learn how to stay strong, feel better, and maintain their independence with exercises that are easy to learn, and have been proven safe and effective.
Organizing Your Health and Safety
Participants learn that safety issues, emergency preparedness, and early detection and disease prevention all take planning and preparation. In a 1-hour session, participants learn to organize health records, gather simple first aid materials, and keep track of preventive services. These strategies make it easier to maintain records and schedule recommended preventive exams, immunizations, and screening tests on schedule, and to make the best use of available healthcare services, time and money. Appropriate for all adults and parents of young children. Participants receive a booklet.
Know Your Numbers
Know Your Numbers encourages you to monitor four important measures of health: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index. These numbers are key indicators of your risk level for having a major illness. If you know these numbers, you can take action to reduce your chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, and many other chronic illnesses. Don't let your health "just happen"; know your numbers and take charge for a better life! This program is presented in partnership with the Mississippi Chronic Illness Coalition.
Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Exciting medical advances in breast cancer treatment depend on early detection. All women should follow recommended guidelines for breast self-exam, clinical exams and mammograms for teh best chance of breast health. This 45-minute program teaches younger and mature women how to perform breast self-exam (BSE) most effectively and to implement recommended guidelines with confidence. Clinical exams and mammograms are also stressed. Appropriate for teens and women of all ages.
Hats Off for Health
This video-based session takes a humorous approach to addressing the excuses women use for not having regular mammograms and pap smears as a part of breast and cervical cancer early detection. Women will find themselves thinking through their own situations as they see the portrayal of a number of characters whose excuses crumble in the face of facts.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV/AIDS
An organized and professionally presented program stresses abstinence and presents the facts to help youth understand the consequence of decisions that can result in non-curable STDs and /or teen pregnancy. The 50-minute presentation is based on Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Mississippi State Department of Health materials and includes prevention, transmission, signs and symptoms, treatment, and effects on one's health for the eight most common STDs and HIV/AIDS. Parental consent is required.
Dining With Diabetes
A dietitian, health agent, and diabetic educator present the keys for better control of diabetes in an organized, understandable format. Participants learn the four elements of control, meal planning, serving sizes and how to prepare foods with sugar substitutes and less salt and fat. The 6-hour seminar consists of a 2-hour session for three weeks. Food samples and recipes are provided if funding is available. Recommended for diabetics or those who prepare meals for and/or assist diabetics.
Show your heart some love —because a healthy heart means a healthier YOU! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States. But the good news is that, in many cases, heart disease can be prevented.
Almost 37% of American adults do not get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night, and that lack of sleep is causing some serious problems.
Leslie Woolington, safety specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said a lack of sleep can affect a person’s productivity, mental and physical health, driving ability and even their chances of getting hurt at work.
A new year is perfect for resetting and refocusing on your health and wellness goals. Being more present or mindful is a great way to start. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the process or practice of gently focusing on your awareness in the present moment. Being more mindful can help you feel your best and meet the goals you set for yourself.
Success Stories
You don’t have to have diabetes to benefit from the principles of the Dining with Diabetes (DWD) program.
Dining with Diabetes covers healthy eating, physical activity, disease monitoring, medication compliance, and risk reduction, and the course empowers participants by giving them access to nutrition knowledge and resources for food preparation. Classes include research-based education, cooking demonstrations, and healthy recipe tasting. These tools can help people make positive changes by planning menus, counting carbohydrates, controlling portions, and reading labels.
The StoryWalk and colorful word art now installed in downtown Belzoni are giving Rosemary Williams a new opportunity for the children she cares for at Rosemary’s Daycare and Learning Center.