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Treatments for Poultry Parasites

External parasites on poultry are a common problem in small flocks of birds. They often come in contact with the parasites or their eggs while foraging for food. The problems are less frequently encountered in commercial poultry flocks but treatments may also need implementing in these flocks. Several pesticides provide excellent protection against parasites. The product used and the method of administration is dependent on the parasite and type of housing conditions being used. A description of the most commonly encountered parasites can be found in the parasite section of Diseases of Poultry. A listing of the most effective pesticides are shown in Pesticides Used for Control of Poultry Insect Pests.

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Doctor in a white coat smiling and standing beside a microscope
Filed Under: Agriculture, Animal Health, Poultry, Avian Flu February 4, 2025

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- If egg prices have seemed higher than ever lately, it’s because they are, and consumers can place much of the blame squarely at the feet of the ongoing bird flu outbreak.

Chickens stand at a feeder in a coop.
Filed Under: Poultry January 30, 2025

With highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI, in the environment in Mississippi, owners of backyard flocks have to take extra steps to keep their chickens healthy.

Avian influenza poses an extremely low risk to human health and none to food safety in Mississippi, but its presence poses a risk to backyard flocks and the state’s $3 billion commercial poultry industry.

Four people in a small group talk.
Filed Under: Agriculture, Commercial Horticulture, Livestock, Beekeeping, Apiculture: Honey Bee Health, Poultry, Forestry, Marine Resources January 22, 2025

BILOXI, Miss. -- A large group of agricultural producers gathered at the 2025 Producer Advisory Council meeting Jan. 14 at the Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi. The annual meeting serves as a forum for agricultural producers to discuss their needs with Mississippi State University personnel, including administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents with the MSU Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and MSU Extension Service.

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