Integrated Pest Management
Participants will accomplish the following:
Knowledge: Define integrated pest management.
Comprehension: Identify at least 3 pest-management techniques.
Application: List actions that can be considered part of a home integrated pest-management program, such as keeping your home clean, keeping pests out of your home, using pesticides safely, and storing and disposing of pesticides safely.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Spring’s arrival motivates many people to refresh the spaces where they spend their time. This refresh should include removing clutter, which can affect quality of life and lead to serious health concerns if small amounts turn into larger amounts.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Healthy lifestyles and healthy homes may seem like two separate concepts, but both components are important for overall well-being. David Buys, health specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, encourages people to consider giving their homes a checkup in the new year.