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Dry cotton plants grow in rows in a field.
August 29, 2024

This summer has not just felt hot and dry; close to half the state is in moderate to severe drought, and temperatures have been mostly in the 90s through all of August.
Mike Brown is the state climatologist and Mississippi State University professor of meteorology. He said much of the northern two-thirds of the state has been fluctuating between drought and being OK.

August 8, 2024

A Mississippi State University Extension Service forage specialist recently received a national award for his high-quality work and effective program development.

Pasture with dying grass.
February 6, 2024


Success Stories

A woman and man seated in a side-by-side with a cattle field stretching behind them.
Volume 10 Number 1

Cruising into Madison County, you see a cultivated urban landscape full of brick edifices and manicured lawns spring up around you. Your cell phone announces your turnoff, and you comply, turning onto an older road that soon turns to gravel.

A man standing in a harvested field.
Volume 9 Number 2

Sledge Taylor is no stranger to cover crops —he first planted vetch on 100 acres of his Panola County farmland in 1979—but he has ramped up his cover crop usage and added other sustainable agricultural practices over the past 15 years.

A man wearing a large hat and red shirt standing in a field.
Volume 7 Number 3

Extension/Research Professor Named Co-Investigator on $1 Million Grant

The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program recently announced a $1 million research and education grant. 

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Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Dr. Rocky Lemus
Extension/Research Professor
Portrait of Dr. Brett Rushing
Assoc Extension/Research Prof