Forage Establishment in Mississippi: Recommended Seeding Rates, Planting Depths, and Planting Dates for Common Forage Species
Forage production, stand persistence, and economic returns depend on proper forage establishment of pasture and hay fields. Successful forage establishment depends on proper seeding rate, planting depth, and planting date. A seeding rate that is too low can allow for more weed competition. A seeding rate that is too high will cost more than necessary, wasting seed. If seed is placed too deeply, seedlings may not emerge. Shallow seeding allows the seed to dry out too soon, be displaced by rain, or be consumed by birds, all resulting in stand loss. Planting depth also depends on soil preparation; a seedbed that is too soft can result in deeper seed placement. In addition, the smaller the diameter of the seed, the shallower that seed should be planted.
This guide provides seeding rates, planting depths, and planting dates for common grass and legume species grown in Mississippi. Table 1 provides ranges for seeding rates and planting depths for pure stands. Lower seeding rates in the range are for species established in a prepared seedbed using a drill, while the higher seeding rates are recommended when planting in grass sod with a no-till drill or when broadcasting the seed (prepared seedbed or sod).
Information provided in Table 1 is broken down by perennial and annual cool- and warm-season species for grasses and legumes. The dates represent acceptable environmental conditions across Mississippi. For northern Mississippi, early-fall and late-spring planting dates are recommended. For southern Mississippi, late-fall and early-spring planting is possible.
Recommended seeding rates for native warm-season grasses are based on pure live seed (PLS) rates. PLS is determined by multiplying the percent seed purity by the percent germination. This information is found on the seed tag if using certified seed.
Proper Seeding
Always use certified seed to make sure that purity and germination is optimal for establishment. When selecting a legume, make sure that it is inoculated with the proper Rhizobia species and that the inoculum is live or fresh before planting. Check the seed tag for the inoculation date; if it was more than 6 months ago, re-inoculate.
Fertilizer applications should be based on soil test recommendations. Collect soil samples at least 6 months before planting to allow time for lime applications if recommended. Phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) can be applied at the time of seeding. Do not apply nitrogen at planting. It might take 7–21 days for seed to germinate (depending on species) and to develop a root system capable of nutrient uptake. During this period of time, N can be lost depending on N source and environmental conditions. Nitrogen should be applied to grasses when they have reached 1–2 inches of growth. Remember that properly inoculated legumes in ideal soil conditions will make their own N.
Establishment Methods
The two common establishment methods implemented across the state are conventional (prepared seedbed) and no-till (sod seeding). When using conventional seeding, the seedbed should be firm with uniform soil particles and no weeds. A well-prepared seedbed is firm when an adult’s heel footprint is no more than ¼-inch deep. A seedbed with excessive tillage can cause the soil to crust after planting and impede seed emergence. Sod seeding can impact seed establishment if not done properly. Clipping or chemically suppressing the existing forage is recommended to avoid competition. Sod seeding is recommended for planting annual cool-season grasses or clovers into dormant warm-season perennial pastures.
Seeding Methods
Use calibrated equipment to ensure correct seeding rates and depths. Follow equipment manufacturer calculations to determine the proper seeding rate calibration procedure. If you are using rented equipment through your co-op, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or Water Conservation Commission, always check the equipment thoroughly. When plating in a conventional tillage system, a grassland drill or grain drill will be the best option depending on slope and conditions of the field. If the drill does not have a packer wheel system, consider using a cultipacker or roller to press the seed below the soil surface. Do not mix grass and legume seed in the same hopper box because legume seed will settle at the bottom of the drill, preventing even seed distribution and planting.
Broadcasting seed onto a prepared seedbed can be achieved by using a whirlwind or end gate seeder, but this will require higher seeding rates. Broadcasting will also require rolling and cultipacking before and after broadcasting the seed. The seed should be covered with at least ¼ inch of soil.
Another seeding method is no-till planting. This method is commonly used in warm-season perennial grasses when adding clovers or planting winter annual forages. This method works well for planting in erosion-prone areas or where no-till practices are implemented. Planting into grass sod helps conserve soil moisture and organic matter. To avoid competition, achieve mechanical or chemical control of the sod before planting. Refer to Extension Publication 1532 Mississippi Weed Control Guidelines for products that could be used to suppress existing vegetation.
Seeding rates, planting depths, and dates provided in this publication are only guidelines for establishing common pure stands of pasture and hay systems in Mississippi. Specific variety information can be found in the annual Forage Variety Trial bulletins.
Forages |
Scientific Name |
Season |
Lb/Bushel |
Approx. Seed/Lb |
Seeding Rate* (lb/ac) |
Planting Depth (in) |
Planting Date |
Perennial Grasses |
Tall fescue |
Schedonorus arundinaceus |
Cool |
25 |
280,000 |
20–25 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Bahiagrass |
Paspalum notatum |
Warm |
46 |
273,000 |
15–20 |
½–1 |
Apr 15–Jul 15 |
Bermudagrass, seed |
Cynodon dactylon |
Warm |
40 |
2,071,000 |
8–10 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–Jun 30 |
Bermudagrass, sprigs |
Cynodon dactylon |
Warm |
– |
– |
30–40 bu |
1–3 |
Apr 15–Jun 15 |
Dallisgrass |
Paspalum dilatatum |
Warm |
14 |
281,000 |
15–20 |
¼–½ |
Mar 15–Jun 15 |
Johnsongrass |
Sorghum halepense |
Warm |
28 |
119,000 |
20–25 |
½–1 |
Apr 15–Jun 30 |
Native Grasses** |
Bluestem, big |
Andropogon gerardii |
Warm |
22 |
165,000 |
9–11 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–Jun 30 |
Bluestem, little |
Schizachyrium scoparium |
Warm |
20 |
260,000 |
5–10 |
0–¼ |
Apr 15–Jul 30 |
Eastern gamagrass |
Tripsacum dactyloides |
Warm |
5 |
5,900 |
6–10 |
½–1 |
Apr 15–Jun 15 |
Indiangrass |
Sorghastrum nutans |
Warm |
10 |
200,000 |
8–12 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–Jun 30 |
Switchgrass |
Panicum virgatum |
Warm |
55 |
280,000 |
5–8 |
¼–½ |
May 1–Aug 30 |
Annual Grasses |
Crabgrass |
Digitaria sanduinalis |
Warm |
25 |
825,000 |
6–8 |
½–1 |
Apr 15–Jun 15 |
Millet, browntop |
Echinochloa esculenta |
Warm |
14 |
142,000 |
20–25 |
½–1 |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Millet, foxtail |
Seratica italica |
Warm |
50 |
213,000 |
15–25 |
½–¾ |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Millet, pearl |
Penisetum glucum |
Warm |
48 |
82,000 |
15–25 |
¼–½ |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Sorghum, forage |
Sorghum bicolor |
Warm |
56 |
17,000 |
15–20 |
1–2 |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Sorghum x sudan |
Sorghum bicolor |
Warm |
48 |
35,000 |
20–25 |
½–1 |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Sudangrass |
Sorghum bicolor |
Warm |
40 |
60,000 |
30–40 |
½–1 |
May 1–Jul 30 |
Teffgrass |
Eragrostis tef |
Warm |
40 |
1,300,000 |
8–10 |
0–¼ |
May 1–Jun 15 |
Oat |
Avena sativa |
Cool |
32 |
16,000 |
90–120 |
1–2 |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Rye, cereal |
Secale cereale |
Cool |
56 |
18,000 |
90–120 |
1–2 |
Sep 15–Oct 15 |
Annual Grasses |
Ryegrass, annual |
Lolium multiflorum |
Cool |
24 |
224,000 |
20–30 |
0–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Triticale |
Triticum x Secale |
Cool |
48 |
15,000 |
90–120 |
1–2 |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Wheat |
Triticum aestivium |
Cool |
60 |
11,000 |
90–120 |
1–2 |
Perennial Legumes |
Alfalfa |
Medicago sativa |
Cool |
60 |
227,000 |
15–20 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Nov 15 |
Red clover |
Trifolium preatense |
Cool |
60 |
272,000 |
8–12 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
White clover |
Trifolium repens |
Cool |
60 |
768,00 |
2–3 |
0–¼ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Serecea lespedeza |
Lespedeza cuneata |
Warm |
60 |
372,000 |
12–15 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–May 30 |
Annual Legumes |
Arrowleaf clover |
Trifolium vesiculosum |
Cool |
60 |
400,000 |
5–10 |
0–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Ball clover |
Trifolium nigrescens |
Cool |
60 |
1,000,000 |
2–3 |
0–¼ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Balansa clover |
Trifolium michelianum |
Cool |
60 |
500,000 |
8–10 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Berseem clover |
Trifolium alexandrium |
Cool |
60 |
207,000 |
15–20 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Crimson clover |
Trifoluim incarnatum |
Cool |
60 |
150,000 |
20–25 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Persian clover |
Trifoluim resupinatum |
Cool |
60 |
642,000 |
3–5 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Rose clover |
Trifolium hirtum |
Cool |
60 |
164,000 |
15–20 |
¼–½ |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Vetch, hairy |
Vicia villosa |
Cool |
60 |
16,000 |
20 -25 |
1–2 |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Winter pea, Australian |
Pisum sativum |
Cool |
60 |
3,900 |
30–40 |
1–2 |
Sep 15–Oct 30 |
Annual lespedeza |
Kummerowia stipulacea or K. striata |
Warm |
60 |
240,000 |
25–30 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–Jun 30 |
Alyce clover |
Alysicarpus vaginalis |
Warm |
60 |
301,000 |
15–20 |
¼–½ |
May 1–Jun 15 |
Cowpea |
Vigna unguiculata |
Warm |
60 |
3,600 |
60–90 |
1–3 |
May 1–Jun 30 |
Lablab |
Lablab purpureus |
Warm |
60 |
3,800 |
15–20 |
½–1 |
Apr 15–Jun 15 |
Soybean, forage |
Glycine max |
Warm |
60 |
4,500 |
60–90 |
1–2 |
May 1–Jun 30 |
Forbs |
Chicory |
Cichirium intybus |
Warm |
60 |
426,000 |
3–4 |
¼–½ |
Apr 15–June 1 |
Kale |
Brassica oleracea |
Warm |
50 |
104,000 |
3–4 |
¼–½ |
Aug 15–Oct 1 |
Radish |
Raphanus sativus |
Warm |
55 |
50,000 |
3–4 |
¼–½ |
Aug 15–Oct 1 |
Rape |
Brassica napus |
Warm |
50 |
156,000 |
3–4 |
¼–½ |
Aug 15–Oct 1 |
Turnip |
Brassica rapa |
Warm |
55 |
220,000 |
3–6 |
¼–½ |
Aug 15–Oct 1 |
*Lower seeding rates in the range are for species established in a prepared seedbed using a drill, while the higher seeding rates are recommended when planting in grass sod with a no-till drill or when broadcasting the seed (prepared seedbed or sod). **Pure live seed
Ball, D. M., Hoveland, C. S., & Lacefield, G. D. (2015). Southern forages: Modern concepts for forage crop management (5th ed.). Peachtree Corners, GA: International Plant Nutrition Institute.
Dillard, L., Chappell, C., & Ball, D. M. (2019). Alabama planting guide for forage grasses (Publication ANR-0149). Alabama Cooperative Extension Service.
Dillard, L., Chappell, C., & Ball, D. M. (2019). Alabama planting guide for forage legumes (Publication ANR-0150). Alabama Cooperative Extension Service.
Jennings, J. (2017). General traits of forage grasses grown in Arkansas (Publication FSA2139). Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.
Hancock, D. W., & Lee, R. R. (2018). Planting guide to grasses and legumes for forage and wildlife in Georgia (Circular 814). Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.
Twidwell, E., Alison, M. W., Williams, G., & Simmons, J. (2018). Cool-season pasture & forage varieties 2018-2019 (Publication 2334). Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.
Publication 3396 (POD-02-25)
By Rocky Lemus, PhD, Extension/Research Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences, and Brett Rushing, PhD, Associate Extension/Research Professor, Coastal Plain Experiment Station.
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