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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P2525 Sport Fish Suppliers and Stocking Guidelines for Stocking Mississippi Ponds Fisheries, Pond and Lake Management, Stocking, Wildlife 12-04-23
P2528 Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Livestock, Beef 05-10-23
P2530 Mosquitoes, West Nile, and Other Encephalitis Viruses: What You Can Do To Protect Yourself Pests 09-21-22
P2537 "Do" Sheet Assignments for Mississippi 4-H Livestock and Horse Shows 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Livestock 06-14-21
6030 Free Stall Barn Dairy 01-23-17
P2542 Growing Citrus in Containers in Mississippi Lawn and Garden 11-16-22
P2546 Bed Bugs and What to Do about Them Insects-Human Pests, Household Insects 05-10-23
P2558 Beef Cattle Calving Management Beef 01-03-24
P2569 Sex-Sorted Semen for Beef Cow-Calf Production Beef 11-21-22
P2574 Hydrangeas For Mississippi Gardens Flower Gardens, Landscape and Garden Design 11-12-19
P2656 Did You Know at 2 Years Old I Can ... Children and Parenting 08-20-24
P2590 Hay Calculator for Livestock Producers, Excel Program (V2019) Instruction Sheet Forages, Livestock, Goats and Sheep 01-04-23
P2593 Food Defense and Biosecurity: Elements and Guidelines for a Defense Plan Food Safety 12-09-22
P2597 Control Fleas on Your Pet, in Your House, and in Your Yard Pets, Insects-Pet Pests, Household Insects, Insects-Home Lawns 12-07-23
P2610 Estrus (Heat) Detection in Cattle Animal Health, Beef 10-04-22
P2613 Mississippi Beef Cattle Management Calendar Beef 02-02-24
P2628 Artificial Insemination Programs for Cattle Livestock, Beef, Dairy 06-21-23
P2698 Home Landscape Design Landscape Design and Management, Landscape Resources 07-25-23
5938 Fallout Shelter - Dairy Dairy 01-23-17
P2651 Selecting Landscape Shrubs with Special Comments on Invasive and Native Plants Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens, Landscape Architecture, Invasive Plants 06-28-23
