Where Are They Now?

A man wearing a colorful plaid shirt stands in front of a desk.
Nic Carter, former Humphreys County 4-H’er

Q&A with Rhiannon Page • Photos by Kevin Hudson

Since he was featured in the first issue of Extension Matters magazine in 2015, Nic Carter has continued his involvement in 4-H, breeding show pigs and attending the Dixie National Sale of Junior Champions when he can.

Nic, a Humphreys County native, now works as a loan officer at Bank Plus in Belzoni. He previously worked as a crop adviser for Helena Agricultural Enterprises. Nic says his 4-H experiences gave him the courage to stop doubting himself and strive for more in all he does.

In your first story with Extension Matters, you said your goal was to take your

breeding program to the next level. Do you think you have succeeded? Have your

goals changed?

I feel like I have made great strides in achieving this goal, but I’m just not to the stage of the game where I’m shooting to be. We strive to be the best we can and raise the best stock we can raise.

Are you still involved with the Dixie National Sale of Junior Champions?

I try to attend every year. My goal in the coming years is to become more involved with the Sale. I have always wanted to be a part of what makes the Sale possible for the youth.

Fill in the blanks:

4-H taught me to . . .

control my actions; win or lose, be a team player; and be the best that I can be.

Because of 4-H . . .

I am able to help kids get a better understanding of the livestock industry and mentor them.

If I hadn’t been in 4-H . . .

I wouldn’t be where I am today or have some of the connections I have in my life.

How did 4-H contribute to your leadership skills?

4-H taught me to be a leader, not a follower. It taught me to set the bar high for young ones that look up to me, because they are always watching, even when I least expect it.

Why should kids join 4-H?

To be more active in the community, district, and state. This could bring kids who are not as fortunate as others out to see and do things that they might not normally be able to do.

How does 4-H influence your life now?

Raising show pigs allows me to deal with kids and parents of all backgrounds. I get great joy out of helping people who are having hard times in life but want to have a chance in the show ring, too. Seeing these people happy is one of the many things that makes me feel successful in what I do.

Check out Nic's first appearance in Extension Matters.

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Extension Matters cover volume 7 number 3.

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