Picturing Mississippi

wooded paved road at dusk photo of young man with camera in woods dimly lit interior of an abandoned, overgrown building foggy stream with rocks and woods Worm's eye view of building with stained glass windows with cloudy sky. USA flag viewed from beneath
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4-H’er Jonah Holland Shares 2017 4-H Photo Safari

Photos by Jonah Holland

Jonah Holland, 4-H'er
Jonah Holland, 4-H'er

Jonah Holland, a teen in the Tishomingo County 4-H Youth Development Program, became a leader for the 2017 4-H Photo Safari in March in Northeast Mississippi.

Jonah not only helped scout locations for 4-H’ers to visit and photograph, but he also offered activity suggestions and other feedback on behalf of the 14 4-H participants and the four adult chaperones from the Mississippi State University Extension Service. He also offered advice, support, and instruction to his fellow 4-H’ers, all of whom are talented photographers.

Holland has participated in the Photo Safari since it began in 2014. This year, 4-H’ers visited Tishomingo State Park, Elvis Presley’s birthplace in Tupleo, and Old Waverly in West Point, among other places. Here is Jonah’s story of the safari, told through his own photography.





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