Discipline and Separation
How can I help my child handle separation anxiety?
- Tell your child good-bye each time you leave. This helps the child to obtain a sense of security because they then know that their parents are about to leave, but that they will come back to pick them up.
- Maintain a good-bye ritual so that the child knows that you are leaving and is not confused or upset.
- Listen to the feelings of your child and do not disregard their emotions.
- Make sure your childcare provider makes the child feel as comfortable as possible by establishing a warm, welcoming environment.
For more information, see IS1654 When You Are Away From Your Child
How should I discipline my child?
All children misbehave sometimes. This can happen for many reasons. The child may be hungry, tired, sick, bored or scared. It is important to learn how to handle behavior problems in a positive way.
Discipline vs. Punishment
There is a difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline is guidance. It guides children toward positive behaviors, and teaches a child to think before acting. Punishment is any type of control behavior, such as hitting or spanking. It doesn't teach children discipline. It only stops misbehavior for the moment.
How to Handle Behavior Problems
- Explain the reason for discipline
- Set limits. Make sure the children know what is expected of them.
- Be positive. Tell children what you want them to do rather than what you do not want them to do.
- Be a good role model. Practice the behavior you want them to master.
- Respect the child. Use words that do not reduce self-esteem.
- Redirect the child's attention. Lead the child to begin a new activity.
- Give choices. Allow the children to make small choices to give them a sense of importance.
- Be firm, but calm. Firmly state to the child what needs to be done and keep your cool.
- Plan ahead. Try to avoid situations that will lead to trouble.
- Establish consequences. Allow the children to face reasonable consequences to prevent the same behavior from happening again.
- Praise the children. Tell the children when they have done a good job.
For more information, check out the following publications:
IS1460 Disciplining Your Child
IS1257 Discipline: Love and Limits
IS1258 When Discipline Fails
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Extension Service has a new leader at the helm of its programs aimed at early childhood education. Jamila Taylor was named executive director of Early Childhood Extension Programs in the MSU School of Human Sciences Feb. 16.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Yahala Devine has been an in-home childcare provider in Mendenhall for two and a half years, but her career trajectory changed when she joined the Nurturing Homes Initiative, or NHI, program. The NHI program is dedicated to enhancing the quality of early education experiences in family childcare homes. By offering resources, training and support, NHI equips providers with the tools they need to improve child development outcomes and advance their own careers.
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