Development Direction

4-H logo and AT&T Mississippi president.

AT&T Mississippi sponsors 4-H legislative luncheon

Story by Leah Barbour • Photo by Kevin Hudson

AT&T Mississippi sponsors the AT&T Banner Club Awards, Mississippi 4-H’s annual awards ceremony to celebrate the state’s most impactful 4-H clubs, at the Legislative Appreciation Luncheon, which is part of 4-H Legislative Day in February.

AT&T representatives recognize the best and brightest Mississippi 4-H’ers and feed the attendees at the ceremony. AT&T Mississippi President R. Mayo Flynt III says praising the 4-H’ers in person reinforces the significance of their accomplishments.

“We are so impressed every year with the 4-H members we meet at the luncheon, and we see the fruit of 4-H’s efforts,” he explains. “4-H gives young people opportunities to stretch themselves and learn key leadership skills like working in teams, presenting ideas, and speaking in public.”

Flynt smiles, recalling listening to 4-H’ers’ speeches at the ceremonies he’s attended.

“We need leaders. We need them at AT&T, and we need them across Mississippi if our state is going to grow and prosper. 4-H builds leaders and equips young Mississippians with the skills they need to be successful.”

— R. Mayo Flynt III

“Honestly, if I had to make a public presentation in high school, I could not have done it as well as some of the young leaders I see each year at the 4-H luncheon,” he laughs. “We want to be a part of recognizing and encouraging the accomplishments celebrated every year.”

And since 2010, AT&T Mississippi has done just that—recognizing close to 100 clubs at the luncheons over the years. Altogether, more than 400 4-H’ers have been celebrated in person at the luncheon for their accomplishments in 4-H.

“We need leaders,” Flynt emphasizes. “We need them at AT&T, and we need them across Mississippi if our state is going to grow and prosper. 4-H builds leaders and equips young Mississippians with the skills they need to be successful.”

The youth development organization develops young people’s soft skills, including solving problems, communicating clearly, and working in teams efficiently, Flynt affirms. 4-H fosters young people’s creativity and innovation, skills necessary to success.

AT&T Mississippi, he says, is committed to supporting the leaders of tomorrow and sponsoring the 4-H Legislative Appreciation Luncheon and the AT&T Banner Club Awards.

“It’s an opportunity to invest in a program that is making a difference in the lives of young people and all the people with whom they will ever interact,” Flynt says. “It’s the benefit of knowing you are helping make a difference by supporting something that works.”

Will Staggers, assistant development officer for Extension, emphasizes the importance of area businesses, especially AT&T Mississippi, sponsoring opportunities to celebrate 4-H’ers.

“AT&T has been extremely loyal to our Mississippi 4-H’ers for many years now. Their level of support is greatly felt, and we sincerely appreciate what they do for us on an annual basis,” Staggers says.

To support Mississippi 4-H, contact Staggers at (662) 325-2837 or

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