Continuing the Club

Chasity Moses utilized technology in order to continue club meetings.
4-H’er uses tech to unite club, serve community
Story by Leah Barbour • Photos by Kevin Hudson
Not many teens—or adults, for that matter—know the ins and outs of Robert’s Rules of Order, but 17-year-old Chasity Moses is making a habit of knowing and doing things that set her apart.
Learning how to use the leading book on parliamentary procedure gave Chasity the tools to organize and lead when her peers elected her secretary of the South Pike High School 4-H Club. The youth development program, overseen by the Mississippi State University Extension Service, offers young people opportunities to learn, serve, and develop life skills.
But 4-H, along with schools and other after-school activities, ground to a halt in Pike County in March 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chasity needed a different skill set, one that Robert’s Rules doesn’t address—how to continue meetings and activities remotely.

video to thank essential workers.
Modern technology—texting and social media—was the answer.
“In 4-H, I was used to doing and learning hands-on things and going on tours and such. That is kind of hard to do virtually,” Chasity explains. “As secretary, it was easier for me to text the members in our club.”
Don Smith, Extension agent in Pike County, says Chasity’s involvement with community service efforts even before the pandemic had developed her organizational skills. Visiting McComb nursing homes, creating community gardens, and volunteering at 4-H Summer Daze with junior 4-H’ers were just a few of the projects Chasity was part of.
Then, the pandemic hit, and in-person club meetings halted. However, 4-H could still serve the community by recognizing the essential people locally putting their lives on the line, Smith said. He turned to Chasity.
Chasity sent a request to 4-H’ers and asked them to send videos or photos of themselves thanking essential workers in Pike County.
“I decided to also create our very own video that was added to the final video,” she remembers. “I collected the videos via text message.”
“Anyone who risks their health to protect others deserves the utmost respect and should be thanked,” Chasity emphasizes.
Chasity continued to ensure the club remained connected virtually through the summer in Pike County.
“We are currently participating in a 4-H walking challenge while learning the importance of drinking water and physical activity. This challenge is cool because it brings us all together without coming together,” Chasity says. “We all can walk or jog while at home and still share our process with each other on walking apps on our phones and smartwatches. Some even write down their daily walking goals.
“Believe it or not, many of us have never been this physically active before. Just like normal days in 4-H, we are still learning by doing.”
Watch the video celebrating Pike County’s essential workers here.