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Magnolia bloom with dark green leaves.

Close your eyes and think back to your childhood.

A bouquet of flowers.

How to Use Flower Food

October 21, 2022

I love filling my home with fresh flowers. I always have to browse the floral section at my local grocery store to see if there is a bouquet that must come home with me.

Turban Squash

Fall Produce Perfect for Eating

October 17, 2022

Pumpkins, gourds, and squash, oh my! With fall in full effect, I’m buying fall décor all the time. Do I already have several pumpkins on my porch? Yes. Will I be buying more? Also, yes. 

Japanese Maple Tree

How to Identify Trees

October 14, 2022

Being able to identify trees is an impressive skill to have. Some trees, like the magnolia tree, are easily recognizable. Others, not so much. Identifying a tree is like solving a mystery. There are several different puzzle pieces to put together before you know for sure what kind of tree it is. 

Woman tossing salad

How to Boost Immunity with Nutrition

October 11, 2022

Flu season is upon us, and there’s no better time than now to kick your nutrition up a notch! One easy way to strengthen your immune system is by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Good nutrition plays an important role in fighting off illnesses, including the flu.


Why You Shouldn’t Move Firewood

October 7, 2022

Fall is the perfect time to enjoy fire pits and camping trips! Firewood is a necessity for both activities, so it’s important to know how to properly collect and manage it. Be sure to get your firewood within 50 miles of where you will burn it whether that’s in your backyard or at a campground several miles from home.

spreme grilled sandwich

The Food Factor: Supreme Grilled Cheese Sandwich

October 4, 2022

Every now and then we all could use an upgrade. Well, here’s a great twist on a classic grilled cheese sandwich. The vegetables give the sandwich a little crunch, which kicks it up a notch!

A mixture of vegetables.

How to Add More Veggies to Your Diet

September 30, 2022

The holidays are coming up and we all know what that means. Food, food, and more food! During these festivities, it’s important to remember to eat your vegetables, too.

Field corn.

Different Types of Corn

September 27, 2022

As you travel Mississippi roads, it’s common to spot a corn field or two during your travels. Corn is the fourth ranked crop in the state, bringing in over $700 million each year!

A field of grass.

Three Tips for Fall Lawn Care

September 23, 2022

As we all know, good things require time and effort. That same concept applies to having an award-winning yard. You’re probably thinking, “Winter is around the corner. Why should I be worried about my lawn now?” A great spring and summer lawn is made possible by the work you devote to it during the fall. 

peach salsa in a bowl

The Food Factor: Peach Salsa

September 20, 2022

Fruit salsas are fabulous and can add even more dimension to the flavors of your dishes. Try this peach salsa with fish, chicken, or pork.


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About Extension for Real Life

Extension for Real Life is a product of the MSU Extension Service’s Office of Agricultural Communications.

That’s a long way of saying we are professional communicators who get to talk about food, families, 4-H, flowers, and farming for a living.

Blog content is created by a core team of communicators, including Susan Collins-Smith, Ellen Graves, Natasha Haynes, Qula Madkin, Michaela Parker, and Jonathan Parrish. But we get by with a lot of help from our friends in Ag Comm and Extension!

You can reach us at 662-325-2262 or extreallife@msstate.edu