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Green and purple lettuce.

Did you know lettuce was one of the first vegetables brought to America by Christopher Columbus? What a great fun fact!

Purple, pink, and orange mums.

September Garden Checklist

August 27, 2021

With the fall season slowly creeping in, there are many things to look forward to, including the drop in temperature. I enjoy watching the leaves change color and drop, too. That also means now is a great time to pull out your rakes, garbage bags, and compost bins and prepare to remove the leaves in your yard! Here are a few other things for you to accomplish in your garden and landscape during the month of September. 

sliced bell peppers and cucumbers on a plate

The Food Factor: Spinach Dip Makeover

August 24, 2021

Whether you are tailgating or celebrating your favorite team at home this fall, food is always a part of the festivities. If you want to have some lighter fare at your gathering, this Spinach Dip Makeover will fit perfectly.

Two girls coloring.

How to Help Children Cope with the Pandemic

August 19, 2021

With the uptick in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant, it’s not uncommon to hear of loved ones and friends who have been infected or who are in quarantine due to exposure. Children, especially, may be confused, worried, and afraid about classmates, friends, and family members who are sick.

Blueberries ripen on a bush.

The Food Factor: Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

August 17, 2021

School is back in session, and mornings can be hectic. But you don’t have to put breakfast on the back burner. If you are looking for a way to make your morning routine a bit easier, check out this blueberry oatmeal dish.


Tips for Reducing Mosquito Bites

August 13, 2021

If theres one thing we can all agree on, its that mosquitos are no fun to have around. Mosquitos are often most active when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning they are around in Mississippi for a large chunk of the year. 

A woman stands in a kitchen with food products on the counter.

Natural and Added Sugars: What’s the Difference?

August 10, 2021

You’ve likely heard natural sugar is okay, while added sugars should be limited. But what's the difference and why does it matter?

Sliced red, yellow and green bell peppers

What is the Difference Between Green, Red, and Yellow Bell Peppers?

August 6, 2021

Bell peppers come in a rainbow of colors and have many health benefits. The variety and amount of time a bell pepper spends on the plant determines its color and ripeness.


Critter of the Month: Northern Raccoon

August 3, 2021

The Northern raccoon, also known as the backyard bandit, is no stranger to Mississippi. Known for the black bandit mask on its face and its striped tail, these raccoons can be found in a variety of environments. They easily adapt to their surroundings, whether that be in forested areas or cities. 

Orange flowers.

August Garden Checklist

July 30, 2021

After a relatively mild summer, heat and humidity have arrived in full force in Mississippi. Going outside during the afternoon is miserable these days! If you’re like me, I try to get all my outdoor activities wrapped up in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat. Be sure you can recognize the signs of heat-related illness, and remember to drink plenty of water anytime you’re outside! Hydration is important!

Green Frog.

Toads vs. Frogs

July 27, 2021

Is it a frog or a toad? If you stumbled on this amphibian, would you be able to call it by its correct name? Many people believe that frogs and toads are two different types of amphibians. Technically, a toad is a type of frog! At first glance, they may appear very similar but there are a few differences that will help distinguish one from the other. 


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About Extension for Real Life

Extension for Real Life is a product of the MSU Extension Service’s Office of Agricultural Communications.

That’s a long way of saying we are professional communicators who get to talk about food, families, 4-H, flowers, and farming for a living.

Blog content is created by a core team of communicators, including Susan Collins-Smith, Ellen Graves, Natasha Haynes, Qula Madkin, Michaela Parker, and Jonathan Parrish. But we get by with a lot of help from our friends in Ag Comm and Extension!

You can reach us at 662-325-2262 or extreallife@msstate.edu