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See why Rodney Johnson was named the Outstanding Logger of the Year in Mississippi. | Natasha Haynes shares a pumpkin pie spice recipe on The Food Factor. | Southern Gardening highlights some really good landscape plants.
Farmweek visits the Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year for 2017. | Find out what to do when your flowering annuals start to fade in the Southern Gardening segment. | Learn the many different types of rice available today on The Food Factor.
The pace of harvest quickens. | The cattle trade is digesting bigger placements than expected. | It's boom-time for farmers who grow American hops. Find out what's fueling demand for the cone-shaped flower that grows on a vine. | See The Food Factor's healthy twist for mac and cheese that you may want to try.
This episode of Farmweek will show you how to maintain a private well. | The Autumn season means pumpkins. See what this Fall classic has to offer. | One community supported agriculture group is keeping local foods close to home, in a different way. | Farmweek visits the Bass Tree Farm.
Farmweek is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the first broadcast on October 3, 1977. To mark this milestone Farmweek will feature three special stories.
Today on Farmweek...Mississippi's cotton crop this year continues to increase, according to a new forecast. The state's soybean and peanut crops are also getting larger in the updated prediction. | Harold Darner's love of the land inspired him to help future generations of new farmers. | The Food Factor goes on the road to a bakery where the specialty is crackers. | The Southern Gardening team showcases one city's round-about where plants provide colorful beauty on Main Street.
Today on Farmweek... The USDA eases its rules on catfish inspections | Efforts to restore an economic safety net for cotton producers remain alive in Washington | Festivals and agri-tourism bring people and money into rural Mississippi | See a preview of the upcoming Fall & Garden Fest and the Mississippi Pecan Festival | The Food Factor shares an easy way to peel a hard-boiled egg | Southern Gardening explains how silver and burgundy colors are a perfect combo in any landscape
Today on Farmweek... Plant and animal reactions to the recent solar eclipse are captured on-camera | See many ways to turn a gourd into a work of art | Natasha clears-up misconceptions about food safety | Find out what Gary Bachman calls landscape gold
Farm labor continues to be the number one issue in agriculture. | Take a look at the Master Naturalist program. | The Food Factor offers tips on making school lunches fun and healthy. | Gary Bachman reveals some great looking plants that thrive in the late summer heat.