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Economic Contributions and Impacts of the Stoneville Research Complex, FY2023

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Publication Number: P4087
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The total economic contribution from the Stoneville Research Complex (SRC) included an estimated economic activity of more than $747 million to the 19-county Mississippi Delta Region. This supported more than 2,500 jobs earning more than $132 million in labor income and contributed more than $49 million to total taxes.

Map of the following counties in the Mississippi Delta Region: DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, Washington, Issaquena, Sharkey, Yazoo, Humphreys, Sunflower, Holmes, Leflore, Tallahatchie, Quitman, Tate, Panola, Grenada, Carroll, and Montgomery. A block illustrates that the Delta Research and Extension Center is located in Washington County.
Mississippi Delta Region

The SRC is located in the heart of the Mississippi Delta Region, an area known for its rich soils and productive agricultural landscape. The SRC and its entities have proven to benefit the health and well-being of the entire world. Yet, the SRC is also an important economic driver to the Mississippi Delta Region. 

This publication provides a quantitative analysis of the contributions to the overall economy, employment base, and tax base of this region and is a follow-up to previous studies. The SRC consists of eight entities and their sub-units. These entities are the USDA Agricultural Research Service, Delta Council, Delta Research and Extension Center, MSU Extension Service, Delta Health Alliance, Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Wildlife Mississippi, and the Yazoo Mississippi Delta Joint Water Management District. Each entity was surveyed for information related to their operations in spring 2024.

This publication provides several conclusions drawn from this analysis that demonstrate the importance of SRC to the 19-county Mississippi Delta Region economy in the following areas:

  • Job and employee compensation
  • Value added and output
  • Fiscal (tax) revenues
  • Noneconomic and community considerations
  • Economic impacts of educational and research programming

References to more detailed publications are in the text. For answers to specific questions, please contact state Extension specialists or your local Extension office.

The information given here is for educational purposes only. References to commercial products, trade names, or suppliers are made with the understanding that no endorsement is implied and that no discrimination against other products or suppliers is intended.

Publication 4087 (POD-02-25)

By Steven W. Martin, PhD, Extension Professor, Agricultural Economics and Delta Research and Extension Center, and Alan Barefield, PhD, Special Projects Coordinator, Agricultural Economics.

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Portrait of Dr. Steve Martin
Extension Professor
Portrait of Dr. Alan Barefield
Special Projects Coordinator
Economic Development, Public Infrastructure Economics, Health Economics, Economic Impact/Contributio

Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Dr. James Newton Barnes
Extension Professor
Portrait of Dr. Joshua Gilchrist Maples
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Portrait of Dr. Ben Posadas
Extension/Research Professor
Portrait of Dr. Rebecca Campbell Smith
Associate Extension Professor

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