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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
IS1132 Political Process and Local Government Administration City and County Government 03-01-23
P3425 Cover Crops: Seeding Rates and Planting Depths for Cool-Season Species Crops 03-16-23
P3427 Poultry Farm Insurers Expect Proper Earth Grounding Poultry 07-30-24
P3421 Forage Management Considerations for Horses in Mississippi Livestock 03-05-20
P3417 Cover Crops: Establishment and Termination Guide Agriculture 03-01-23
P3412 Water Utility Compensation and Employee/Contractor Retention Survey Results 2021 Water 08-24-22
P3329 How Much Water Does Your Evaporative Cooling System Need? Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Poultry 11-02-23
P3418 Final Report: Survey of Overlooked Costs of the 2019 Backwater Flood in the Yazoo Mississippi Delta Agriculture, Disaster Response, Disaster Recovery 02-17-20
P3416 Establishing a Hunting Lease on Your Land: Legal Considerations for Wildlife-Related Recreation Natural Resources, Wildlife 02-23-23
P3419 2020 Mississippi Medallion Plants Commercial Horticulture, Flower Gardens 04-07-22
M2322 2024 Mississippi 4-H Horse Show Education Contest Rules and Regulations 4-H, Youth Horse 02-12-24
P3411 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Greens Health and Wellness, Greens, Nutrition 10-15-21
M1417 Spice it Up! Food 12-19-19
P3410 Establishing a Home Fruit Orchard Fruit, Lawn and Garden, Landscape and Garden Design 12-16-19
P3403 Disposal of Agricultural Waste Pesticides in Mississippi Agricultural Engineering 12-12-19
P3408 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Zucchini Nutrition 11-22-21
P3402 Basic Grafting Techniques Master Gardener, Flower Gardens 02-23-23
P3322 Basic Compass Orienteering 4-H, 4-H Shooting Sports 04-17-24
P3407 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Sweet Potatoes Nutrition 11-08-21
IS1950 Why the Rapid Growth Rate in Today's Chickens? Poultry 11-14-19
