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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P3685 Salvia for the Mississippi Gardener Commercial Horticulture, Master Gardener, Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 10-08-24
P3706 Poultry Production in Africa: Impacts of Climate Change Farming, Animal Health, Poultry, Environment 01-06-22
P2336 The Southern House Mosquito and Related Species: Biology and Control Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Insects, Household Insects, Insect Identification, Pests 09-09-24
P3704 Weed Identification: Red vs. Ivyleaf vs. Entireleaf Morningglory Weed Control 11-04-24
P3703 Weed Identification: Hemp sesbania vs. Northern jointvetch Weed Control 11-04-24
P3679 Herbicide Damage in Tomatoes Commercial Horticulture, Greenhouse Tomatoes, Tomato Pepper and Eggplant 11-11-24
P3694 2022 MSU Corn Hybrid Suggestions Agriculture, Corn 05-11-22
P3695 2021 Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program Results Agriculture, Corn 09-19-23
P3693 2022 MSU Wheat Variety Suggestions Agriculture, Wheat 05-13-22
P3616 Mississippi Vegetable Gardener's Guide Master Gardener, Insects Vegetable Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 04-10-24
P3681 Best Management Practices for Plant Nutrient Management Soils, Soil Fertility 08-31-21
P3691 Mississippi Municipal Clerk Certification Program Community, City and County Government 09-01-23
P3690 Prevention and Treatment of Nuisance Honey Bees Around Your Home Beekeeping, Insects-Human Pests, Insects, Pests 11-08-24
P3688 Vegetable Wholesale Markets: 2015–2021 Price Report Agricultural Economics, Commercial Horticulture, Other Vegetables, Vegetable Gardens 12-02-22
P3687 Fruit and Tree Nut Wholesale Markets: 2015–2021 Price Report Commercial Horticulture, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Fruit 12-07-22
P3684 Mississippi Hay Market Analysis Agricultural Economics, Forages 10-01-24
P3686 2021 Mississippi Agricultural Crop Damage Assessment Agricultural Economics, Crops 09-03-24
P3674 Master Floral Designer Program: A Quick Guide Floral Design 09-26-24
P2738-S Manejo de cama en pollos de engorde Farming, Poultry 01-06-22
P3669 Sulfur Nutrition for Mississippi Crops and Soils Soil Health 08-03-21
