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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P3318 2019 Mississippi Medallion Plants Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 04-07-22
P3836 Clostridial Diseases of Cattle Livestock, Beef 11-08-22
P3303 The Great Red Snapper Count Depletion Studies Marine Resources 01-30-20
P3305 Deer Processing to Minimize CWD Risks (without removing internal organs) Chronic Wasting Disease, White-Tailed Deer 04-21-23
P3294 5 Ways to Grow Your Local Foods Business with Facebook Local Flavor 11-14-22
M2265 Conversation Starters - Table Talk Cards Family 12-12-18
P3300 Considerations for Planting Longleaf Pine Trees, Forestry, Longleaf Pine 08-16-23
P3280 Multiflora Rose Weed Control for Lawn and Garden, Invasive Plants 10-14-22
P3293 Combatting Bed Bugs in Broiler Breeder Houses Poultry 07-14-22
P3289 Newcastle Disease in Backyard Chickens Poultry 05-06-22
P3288 Forage Risk Management Using Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance Agricultural Economics, Forages 11-05-18
P3283 The Great Red Snapper Count: Direct Visual Counts Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3282 The Great Red Snapper Count: Habitat Classification Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3281 The Great Red Snapper Count: Project Overview Fisheries, Marine Resources 08-18-20
P3279 Weed Management Strategies for Ornamental Landscape Beds and Ground Covers Flower Gardens, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 01-06-25
P3277 How to Build a Campfire Wildlife Youth Education 04-09-24
P3271 Economic Contribution of a New Broiler House in Mississippi Agricultural Economics, Poultry 02-10-22
P3276 Applying Herbicides with the Hack-and-Squirt Method Weed Control for Crops, Weed Control for Forages, Weed Control for Lawn and Garden, Weed Control 12-12-24
P3269 QGIS: An Introduction to an Open-Source Geographic Information System Remote Sensing Technology, Sciences of Remote Sensing, Natural Resources 02-06-25
P3272 Tailwater Recovery and On-Farm Storage Reservoir: Water Savings Environment, Water 05-02-23
