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Publication Number Title Filed Under Datesort ascending
P3982 4-H Poultry Chain Project Guide 4-H, 4-H Livestock Program, Youth Poultry, Youth Projects, Poultry 01-27-25
P2335 Natural Resource Enterprises Wildlife and Recreation - Mourning Dove Management for Landowners Natural Resources, Wildlife 01-27-25
P4080 Running for Municipal Office: Council-Manager City and County Government 01-24-25
P4077 Running for Municipal Office: Mayor-Board of Aldermen City and County Government 01-24-25
P2501 Calving Season Selection Considerations Beef 01-24-25
P3606 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Freezer Tips Food Safety, Nutrition 01-22-25
P3266 Controlling White Wild Indigo (Baptisia alba) in Forages Forages, Weed Control for Forages 01-21-25
P2308 Natural Resource Enterprises Wildlife and Recreation - A Checklist of Considerations for Landowners Wildlife Economics and Enterprises 01-21-25
P2911 Risk Management Options for Family Forests: Timber Insurance Forest Economics, Wood Products 01-21-25
F1197 4-H Youth Development Shooting Sports Event Youth Entry Form 4-H Shooting Sports 01-17-25
P2564 Beef Bull Development Beef 01-13-25
P2621 Petroleum Product Poisoning of Cattle Animal Health 01-13-25
P3682 Gladiolus Topiary Design for the Professional Florist Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 01-13-25
M0980 Rural Medical & Science Scholars Rural Health 01-09-25
M2471 Accessibility Tips About Extension 01-09-25
P2629 Beef Cattle Grazing Management Forages, Beef 01-08-25
P2518 Feed Additives for Beef Cattle Diets Beef 01-08-25
P2736 Good Agricultural Practices for Pecans in Mississippi Agriculture, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Nuts 01-08-25
P3622 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Apples Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 01-07-25
P2752 4-H Shooting Sports District Event Handbook 4-H Shooting Sports 01-07-25
