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December 18, 2003 - Filed Under: 4-H Shooting Sports

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Responsible gun ownership begins with education, and a donation from one Mississippi agency to another will help enable the state's youngest residents to learn safety and skill when handling firearms.

The Mississippi 4-H Shooting Sports Program just received a donation of 120 firearms from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. The firearms, mostly .22 caliber rimfire rifles, previously were used in hunter education classes.

December 17, 2003 - Filed Under: About Extension

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippi State University's Extension Service Director Joe McGilberry's duties have been expanded to a new role as the executive director for University Extension and Outreach.

In making the announcement, MSU President Charles Lee stated colleges and universities are responding to the call from stakeholders to make their expertise more accessible to the public as a resource for economic development and improvements in quality-of-life issues.

December 17, 2003 - Filed Under: About Extension

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The state's leading cotton specialist will assume new responsibilities with Mississippi State University's Extension Service as assistant director and state leader for agriculture and natural resources.

Joe McGilberry, executive director of University Extension and Outreach, recently announced Will McCarty's promotion, effective Dec. 15. McCarty has been serving as Extension leader, professor and cotton specialist in MSU's Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.

December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: Fisheries

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Ponds that look low this winter don't necessarily need repairs but might simply be the result of an inexpensive and effective form of management.

Mississippi has more than 250,000 farm ponds of 40 acres or less. Together, they are a larger natural resource than all the state's public waters combined.

Marty Brunson, fisheries specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said pond owners have historically not managed these waters to their best advantage.

December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A new law set to go into effect Jan. 1 should make it easier for consumers to protect themselves from identity theft, a crime that claimed 814 Mississippi victims in 2002.

On Dec. 4, President Bush signed into law the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. According to the White House information on the legislation, it provides tools "that expand access to credit and other financial services for all Americans, enhance(s) the accuracy of consumers' financial information and help(s) fight identity theft."

December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: 4-H

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Drivers now have a convenient, affordable way to help support youth development and education in Mississippi.

Purchasing a 4-H license plate adds $30 to the regular tag renewal fee, $24 of which goes directly to the Mississippi 4-H Foundation. The remaining $6 goes to the state of Mississippi to cover production costs.

"This is a great way for people to support the state's youth in developing life skills and becoming responsible adults," said Betty Rawlings with Mississippi State University's Extension Service 4-H Youth Development Department.

December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Flu vaccines may be in short supply, but other preventive measures can protect people from this season's colds and flu.

While Mississippi's flu numbers remain moderate, the bordering states of Tennessee and Arkansas are among the nation's 13 states reporting widespread cases of influenza by December, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. Health officials agree that the worst of the flu season is yet to come.

December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: Catfish

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Keith Coble and Terry Hanson are listening a lot as part of their effort to reduce the economic risks associated with production of catfish and other aquaculture species.

Natchez crape myrtle, known for its white blossoms during the summer, has beautiful bark that adds a special look to winter landscapes. The deep cinnamon-brown bark develops around the fifth year.
December 11, 2003 - Filed Under: Trees

By Norman WinterMSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Winter is not normally the time to tout the virtues of the crape myrtle unless you have newer varieties. Several of the new hybrids have bark that is really something special in the winter landscape.

This hybridization primarily is between Lagerstroemia indica, the old-fashioned crape myrtle of our ancestors, and Lagerstroemia fauriei. Both are native to China, Southeast Asia and Japan.

With almost indescribable leaf color and huge panicles of bright red berries, nandinas are among the very best shrubs for fall and winter color in terms of both leaves and fruit.
December 4, 2003 - Filed Under: Lawn and Garden

By Norman WinterMSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

With almost indescribable leaf color and huge panicles of bright red berries, nandinas are among our very best shrubs for fall and winter color in terms of both leaves and fruit. Sad is the home landscape without a heavy sampling of these wonderful shrubs.

Sometimes called heavenly bamboo, nandina does indeed have a somewhat exotic appearance. It is actually in the barberry family and has relatives like the mahonia.

December 4, 2003 - Filed Under: Equine

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Horse-owners hoping to get a great deal on stud services through a unique Mississippi State University auction have an extra two months to make their bids.

The MSU College of Veterinary Medicine's Stallion Service Auction bid deadline has been extended to 5 p.m. Feb. 2, 2004. The original deadline was Dec. 15.

December 4, 2003 - Filed Under: Children and Parenting

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Parents today are keenly aware of safety concerns when it comes to purchasing gifts for their children, but grandparents and other gift-givers may not be.

To avoid giving a gift that is unsafe or not age-appropriate, Mississippi State University Extension Service child and family development specialist Louise Davis recommends shoppers pay attention to details.

December 4, 2003 - Filed Under: Family

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Separation from loved ones is a fact of life for military families, but the holiday season can be especially tough for children and parents.

The uncertainty of dangerous conflict only adds to the stress of separation.

Louise Davis, a Mississippi State University Extension Service child and family development specialist, said civilian families can take several steps to ease the difficulty of the season for families directly affected by military deployment.

December 4, 2003 - Filed Under: Wildlife Economics and Enterprises

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Most agricultural land can make money in more ways than one, and many Mississippians are discovering that the development of natural resources can offer benefits year-round.

Land that is in timber is often a great place to hunt deer. A rice paddy in the winter can offer excellent waterfowl hunting, and walking trails and bed and breakfasts both need scenic settings to be successful. All of these take advantage of one of Mississippi's best natural resources, its land.

November 25, 2003 - Filed Under: Food and Health

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Keeping one of the most common New Year's resolutions sometimes seems as elusive as that winning lottery ticket.

Weight-loss experts have long recommended lifestyle changes over quick-fix diets, and Mississippi State University Extension Service experts echo that sentiment.

November 25, 2003 - Filed Under: Food Safety

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Eating leftovers is a typical holiday tradition, but proper food handling is the key to good health in the following days.

Melissa Mixon, human nutritionist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said flu-like symptoms during the holidays could be the result of poorly handled leftovers.

Bouquet Purple is a tall cut-flower type dianthus that is cold tolerant yet able to endure a Mississippi summer. The flowers are a bright, bold, cheerful hot pink-purple color.
November 25, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

At our house the dianthus have really started to show out, and I would encourage all gardeners to make use of this wonderful cool-season flower.

I say cool season, but today's dianthus are a far cry from the ones we used to call pinks. Today by virtue of hybridizing species, they are tough from the standpoint of both cold and added-heat tolerance. This hybridization brought together species from China (chinensis) and Southern Europe (barbatus) for a great new plant.

November 25, 2003 - Filed Under: Swine

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Part of the challenge in bringing a steady supply of bacon, sausage and ham to the American dinner table is to produce pigs in an environmentally sound manner.

In normal operations, a small percentage of animals die before reaching market weight, and the mortalities must be disposed of in timely and environmentally safe ways. Producers face a significant issue in determining the best method of disposal.

In addition to combining with sweet alyssum, pansy or dianthus in the fall, try dusty miller with other drought-tolerant spring selections like gomphrena, salvia, purple heart, pink lantana and yarrow.
November 20, 2003 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Garden centers are loaded with the highest quality fall bedding plants, getting gardeners ready to pull up those marigolds and cut back lantanas, verbenas, salvias and mums if they haven't already.

The last few weeks I have been touting the traditional pansies, snapdragons, violas and cabbages, but there are other great plants that you might not have tried.

November 20, 2003 - Filed Under: Family Financial Management

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Although the Internal Revenue Service is urging Mississippians to update their addresses by Dec. 5 to receive refund checks, most taxpayers have nothing to worry about.

More than 2,300 income tax refund or advance child tax credit checks totaling more than $946,000 were returned to the IRS this year as undeliverable. But if taxpayers updated their addresses with the U.S. Postal Service, the refund checks should have been delivered to the new address.

