March Garden Checklist

Pat yourself on the back. You made it through the historic February ice storm! The weeklong event probably set you back on your garden chores and likely created more work for you to do. Tidy up any damage and get your spring garden in shape with these garden tasks.
- It’s time to get those pruning shearers out! Now is the ideal time to prune roses. Pruning may be intimidating at first, but it’s fairly simple. Our blog post on how to prune roses might be helpful for you.
- Mulch all landscape beds. Did you know there is a right and wrong way to apply mulch? Avoid volcano-like piles of mulch around the trunk. Instead, apply mulch 2 to 3 inches deep and spread it evenly around the base of trees and shrubs. Be sure not to have mulch directly touching the tree trunk! Check out this graphic for a visual representation of right and wrong.
- Take a soil sample and fertilize all ornamental shrubs and trees accordingly. The results of the soil test will recommend the type and amount of fertilizer you will need to use. You can find instructions on how to properly take a soil sample on our website.
- Mondo grass and liriope are two common grasses found in landscapes. If you have them in your yard, now is a great time to trim them to 2 to 3 inches tall.
- Start seeds indoors for tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, and eggplant. Whether you’re a new or seasoned gardener, Extension Publication 1091, “The Garden Tabloid,” is a resource that you’ll want to keep handy. There are a lot of factors that go into gardening, such as what to plant and where to plant it. The Garden Tabloid answers all those questions and more!
- There’s still time to plant trees and shrubs if you haven’t already! Information Sheet 0965, “Transplanting Trees and Shrubs in the Landscape,” offers advice on how to prepare the planting site from start to finish.
There are several flowers blooming this month, including azaleas, daffodils, dogwoods, knockout roses, and pansies. Colorful and warmer days are ahead!
You can bookmark or print out the full garden calendar to help stay on track. Our Extension agents are always available if you have questions or need recommendations.
Posted on: February 26, 2021
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