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Brussels Sprouts

Brusssels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

This cold-hardy, slow-growing, long-season vegetable is not frequently grown in Mississippi gardens. The cool weather of neither spring nor fall is long enough for maximum yields.


When attempting a spring crop, set plants early and side-dress as soon as active plant growth begins and again when sprouts form. For a fall crop, start plants in midsummer. Set plants 24 inches apart and keep them watered. Sprouts develop where leaves join the main stem. As sprouts develop, do not remove leaves. Lower sprouts mature first, and you can cut leaves when you harvest sprouts. Heat causes soft sprouts. Aphids often infest developing sprouts, making them inedible.


  • Jade Cross—hybrid; vigorous plant; uniform sprouts closely spaced; 11⁄2 inches in diameter; 90 days; AAS 1959.
  • Long Island—sprouts 11⁄2 inches in diameter; firm; plants 32 to 34 inches tall; 90 days.
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