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Tiny Flowers

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June 7, 2020
Plants with tiny flowers are outstanding additions for your garden and landscape. Let’s take a look at a few great choices to consider. Butterfly bush displays up to 12 inch fragrant panicles of massed tiny flowers in various shades of color. The tiny flowers are produced on arching graceful stems that butterflies, bees and hummingbirds love. One of my favorites is Flutterby Petite Tutti Frutti Pink, which has seven to eight-inch panicles of fuchsia red flowers. Serena Angelonia are commonly called summer snapdragons and were selected a Mississippi Medallion winner in 2007. This plant has flower stalks really packed with tiny flowers and are welcome additions to any summer garden. Flower colors include blues, pinks, violets, and white. Vitex, a 2002 Mississippi Medallion winner, has flowers are called panicles that are composed of many clusters of small individual tiny flowers. I love the color of the beautiful flowering display. Ranging from brilliant blue to blueish lavender the panicles can have a cloud like appearance in the landscape. Amaranth is considered an ancient grain, with its tiny bloom-packed flower heads producing seeds that can be ground into flour. Elephant Head has huge reddish-purple flower heads. Hopi Red Dye amaranth was used to make dye by the southwestern Hopi Indian Nation. These flowers may be tiny but there’s strength in numbers that create landscape impact. I’m horticulturist Gary Bachman and I hope you join me next time on Southern gardening.

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