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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3848 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Water Safety Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P3847 Transplanting Pecan Trees Nuts, Trees 11-22-22
P3846 Disaster Relief: Emergency Treatment and Management of Horses under Hurricane Conditions Equine, Disaster Response 11-22-22
P3845 A Quick Guide to the Open Meetings Act Community, City and County Government 06-21-23
P3844 Effective Municipal Government Meetings Community, City and County Government 03-07-23
P3843 A Quick Guide to the Mississippi Public Records Act Community, City and County Government 03-07-23
P3842 Understanding Farm Asset Depreciation and Tax Implications Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Farming, Economic Development, Small Business, Basic Money Management, Forest Economics 12-14-22
P3841 Quick Estimates of Carbon in Loblolly Pine Plantations Using Carbon-Basal Area Ratios Forestry, Forest Economics 11-17-22
P3840 Sun Sense Health, Growing Well 11-14-22
P3839 Creating a Pollinator Garden Leadership, Community, Master Gardener, Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 11-28-22
P3838 Tips for Gardening with Special Needs Groups Community, Master Gardener, Lawn and Garden 11-28-22
P3837 Disaster Relief: Home Cleanup and Renovation for Walls Disaster Response, Disaster Relief 11-11-22
P3836 Clostridial Diseases of Cattle Livestock, Beef 11-08-22
P3835 Methods for Disbudding Dairy Calves Youth Livestock, Livestock, Dairy 11-16-22
P3834 2022 Legislation Affecting Municipalities Community, City and County Government 11-03-22
P3833 Estimating the Economic Impact of Tourism Events Economic Development 12-09-22
P3832 Collecting Insects - Standard 4-H Display Box Youth Projects, Insects, Insect Identification 10-26-22
P3831 Considerations for Replant Decisions in Soybean Soybeans 10-25-22
P3830 Obtaining Biomass/Volume/Carbon Estimates Using EVALIDator Version 2.0.3 Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 10-25-22
P3829 An Approach to Explaining Confidence Intervals When Estimating Average Values Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 10-21-22
