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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Numbersort ascending Title Filed Under Date
P3863 Using Simulators for Training Individuals to Efficiently and Safely Operate Logging Equipment Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 03-03-23
P3862 Community Economic Development: Approaches Community, Economic Development 02-01-23
P3861 Growing Loquats in Coastal Mississippi Fruit, Landscape Design and Management, Trees 12-03-24
P3860 Breaking Horses not Bones: Properly Raising Young Horses to Avoid Costly Injuries Youth Horse, Farm Safety, Animal Health, Equine, Equine Assisted Therapy Programs 06-09-23
P3859 Mississippi 4-H Sportfishing: Reel in the Fun! 4-H 06-16-23
P3858 Soil Testing For the Farmer Farming, Soils, Soil Fertility, Soil Testing 01-26-23
P3857 Butterfly Plants & Mississippi Butterflies Insects, Flower Gardens 10-07-24
P3856 Submitting Samples for Soil Testing Agriculture, Soils, Soil Fertility, Soil Health, Soil Testing 01-25-23
P3855 Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) in the Construction of Nonresidential Buildings Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 01-31-23
P3854 Growing Your Brand: Farmers Market Business Structures and Regulations | A Guide for Youth Local Flavor, Farmers Markets, Marketing and Business Planning, Community, Economic Development 01-25-23
P3853 The Professional Florist’s Manual for the Care and Handling of Fresh-Cut Flowers and Foliage Agri-business, Small Business, Cut Flowers and Houseplants, Floral Design 12-07-23
P3852 You Don't Know Jacks! A Guide to Gulf of Mexico Seriola Jacks Fisheries, Marine Resources 02-09-23
P3851 Legal Forms of Farm Business Organization: Which Should I Choose? Agricultural Economics 01-30-23
P3850 How Do Log Truck Drivers Receive Payment? Forestry 01-31-23
P3849 Top-work Grafting of Pecan Trees Nuts 12-06-22
P3848 HappyHealthy Newsletter: Water Safety Food and Health, Food, Nutrition 11-05-24
P3847 Transplanting Pecan Trees Nuts, Trees 11-22-22
P3846 Disaster Relief: Emergency Treatment and Management of Horses under Hurricane Conditions Equine, Disaster Response 11-22-22
P3845 A Quick Guide to the Open Meetings Act Community, City and County Government 06-21-23
P3844 Effective Municipal Government Meetings Community, City and County Government 03-07-23
