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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P2975 Tomato Troubles: Common Problems with Tomatoes Greenhouse Tomatoes, Vegetable Gardens 12-13-22
P2971 Subirrigated Containers for the Mississippi Gardener Vegetable Gardens 10-06-22
P2970 High Tunnel Construction for the Mississippi Gardener Herb Gardens, Vegetable Gardens 10-13-22
P2958 Managing Volunteers in Times of Disaster: The Local Volunteer Coordinator’s Role Disaster Response 07-18-23
M2102 Happy Healthy SNAP-Ed brochure Nutrition 02-22-24
P0865 Swine Ectoparasite Control Swine, Pests 01-31-24
P2966 Municipal Utility Enterprise Funds Community, Rural Water Association 11-25-24
P2965 Understanding Wastewater Permit Parameters Rural Water Association 03-06-24
P2962 The Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Forestry Production and Processing in Mississippi: An Input-Output Analysis (2014 Data) Agricultural Economics, Agri-business, Forest Economics 10-22-24
P2960 Composting Poultry Mortality: A Critical Daily Management Chore Poultry 07-30-24
M2089 2015 Annual Report - Center for Government and Community Development Community, City and County Government 06-02-16
P2963 Who Says Healthy Has to Be Expensive? Children and Parenting, Health, Nutrition 06-01-16
P2961 File Backup Options Technology 10-28-22
P2959 Growing Your Brand: Developing a Marketing Plan Workbook Agricultural Economics, Farming, Agri-business, Agri-tourism, Growing Your Brand, Farmers Markets 12-12-23
P2953 Private Water Well Placement and Sizing for Poultry Production Poultry, Water Quality 11-11-22
P2603 Constructing an Archery Stand 4-H Shooting Sports 12-01-23
P2950 Responsible Horse Ownership Youth Horse, Equine 11-11-22
P2978-89 County Health Economic Profile Extension Delta Region Economic Development 03-30-21
P2977-88 County Economic Profile Extension Northeast Region Economic Development 04-06-21
P2978-91 County Health Economics Profile Extension Southwest Region Economic Development 03-29-21
