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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P3244 Nematodes in Mississippi Soybeans: A Case Study Evaluating Sampling and Transportation Methods Soybeans, Plant Diseases, Plant Disease and Nematode Diagnostic Services 08-07-24
P3250 Unlocking the Language of the Wild Turkey 4-H Shooting Sports, Wildlife Youth Education, Wildlife 06-21-18
P3214 County Elected Officials - Justice Court Judge City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 09-23-24
P3219 County Elected Officials - Tax Assessor/Collector City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 10-14-24
P3218 County Elected Officials - County Election Commissioners City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 09-11-24
P3217 County Elected Officials - County Prosecuting Attorney City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 09-06-24
P3216 County Elected Officials - County Surveyor City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 08-30-24
P3215 County Elected Officials | County School Board City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 09-23-24
P2875-B The Board of Health Activity - Participant Instructions Health and Wellness 06-11-24
P3861 Growing Loquats in Coastal Mississippi Fruit, Landscape Design and Management, Trees 12-03-24
P3221 County Elected Officials - Sheriff City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 08-09-24
P3224 County Elected Officials - Circuit Clerk City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 10-18-24
P3223 County Elected Officials - Chancery Clerk City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-24-24
P3225 County Elected Officials - County Court Judge City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-23-24
P3220 County Elected Officials - County Constable City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 07-24-24
P3222 County Elected Officials - Coroner City and County Government, Mississippi County Elections: Election Prep 101, County Elected Office 08-08-24
P3234 How to Pattern a Shotgun for Turkey Hunting 4-H Shooting Sports, Wildlife Youth Education 06-02-22
P3242 Assessing and Protecting Water Quality in the Home and Community Community, Healthy Homes Initiative, Mississippi Water Stewards, Water Quality 11-18-24
P3236 Solar-Powered Groundwater Pumping Systems for Livestock Watering Livestock, Water 06-19-23
P3238 Soil Acidity, Phosphorus, and Potassium Nutrient Levels: Key to Forage Nutrient Management Planning Forages, Soil Fertility 12-05-24
