A Photo Guide to Strawberry Arthropod Pests in the Southeast
This photo guide shows symptoms of plant and fruit injury caused by arthropod pests and damaging, beneficial, and non-pest arthropods. Download the PDF above for the photo guide.
Many insects produce similar symptoms on strawberry. Images alone may not be enough to obtain an accurate diagnosis. For more information on the insects pictured, see the Southeast Regional Strawberry Integrated Pest Management Guide Focused on Plasticulture Production and the MyIPM app for Fruits and Nuts.
This publication was made possible thanks to funding provided by the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium. Any opinions or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Consortium or its members.
Publication 4074 (1-25)
By Aaron Cato, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist – Horticulture IPM, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture; Rebecca A. Melanson, Associate Extension Professor, Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center; Edward J. Sikora, Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University; and Mary Helen Ferguson, Extension Agent – Agriculture and Natural Resources (Horticulture), LSU AgCenter.
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