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News Filed Under Pests

Black and white, labeled drawing of a winged termite and winged ant.
March 13, 2024 - Filed Under: Household Insects, Termites, Pests

House and building owners must be on high alert each spring as structures face dangerous attacks by swarms of both native and introduced termite species.

Native, subterranean termite species have started swarming in late February in South Mississippi to early March in more northern areas. The non-native, invasive and very damaging Formosan subterranean termite begins swarming in some parts of Mississippi in May.

March 5, 2024 - Filed Under: Pesticide Applicator Certification, Pests

Professionals involved in pest management in Mississippi can attend a Mississippi State University workshop on March 26 to renew a variety of licenses and certifications. The 2024 General Pest Management Workshop will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the MSU Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Raymond. Lunch will be provided. Participants must pay a $25 registration fee by March 15 to reserve a spot in the workshop.

August 28, 2023 - Filed Under: Pesticide Applicator Certification, Insects, Pests

MISSISSIPPI STATE , Miss. -- A Mississippi State University Extension Service specialist has been elected to the executive board of the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators. Gene Merkl, program manager for pesticide safety education for the state of Mississippi, will serve as president-elect for the nationwide organization. His service on the board is a three-year commitment.

A dog sits in a swimming pool
July 24, 2023 - Filed Under: Insects, Lawn and Garden, Pests

If you’ve ever had an encounter with a horsefly, you know they are annoying. If you’ve ever been bitten by one, you know it hurts! So, how can you keep these pesky critters from spoiling your outdoor summer fun? The answer probably isn’t what you want to hear. 

asian lady beetle
July 21, 2023 - Filed Under: Pests

Believe it or not, fall is right around the corner. I know, I know, you probably just rolled your eyes as sweat dripped down your face from the summer heat.

October 6, 2022 - Filed Under: Insects, Pests, Forestry, Forest Management, Forest Pests

Fall is the perfect time to enjoy fire pits and camping trips! Firewood is a necessity for both activities, so it’s important to know how to properly collect and manage it. Be sure to get your firewood within 50 miles of where you will burn it whether that’s in your backyard or at a campground several miles from home.

A fly on a window with homes in the background.
August 29, 2022 - Filed Under: Pests

There are not very many things quite as annoying as a pesky house fly in your home. House flies will buzz inside anytime a door or window is opened. Airconditioning, modern sewage management, and the lack of livestock near our homes means most people don’t see large numbers of flies in their homes these days. Think about how bad they were back in the day before proper window screening existed! But there are times when flies will occasionally get inside and certain settings that can increase the fly population around your home. 

Closeup of an armyworm
August 10, 2022 - Filed Under: Insects-Crop Pests, Insects, Insects-Home Lawns, Pests, Turfgrass and Lawn Management

If you’re a homeowner who loves your bermudagrass lawn, be on the lookout for fall armyworms. These caterpillars can eat voraciously, devouring yards within just a day or two. These pests show up every year from late summer to early fall, and you never know exactly when or how many there will be.

Fall Webworms
September 10, 2021 - Filed Under: Pests

If you’ve noticed spiderwebs in your pecan trees, chances are they’re not spiders. They’re fall webworms.

Fall webworms are partial to pecan and persimmon trees but will also feed on other trees, including Bradford pears.

A single caterpillar rests on a blade of grass.
August 11, 2021 - Filed Under: Insects-Forage Pests, Management - Forages, Insects-Home Lawns, Pests

Lawns, pastures and even winter food plots are at risk as an insect army advances across much of the state in higher than normal numbers. Blake Layton, entomologist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said fall armyworms are the most damaging insect pests of bermudagrass hayfields and pastures

Numerous tiny, white insects with brown heads dot a surface full of holes and crevices.
August 4, 2021 - Filed Under: Pests, Invasive Plants

Mississippi’s climate has proven to be ideally suited to hosting a variety of introduced, invasive plants and insects, but vigilant residents can prevent these pests from becoming overwhelming problems. One of the latest invaders is the box tree moth. North Mississippi residents are confronting this new challenge, which is a serious pest of boxwood shrubs that began showing up on boxwoods bought in Tennessee this spring.

July 16, 2021 - Filed Under: Insects-Crop Pests, Insect Identification, Pests, Insects Vegetable Gardens

If you have a home garden, you know the headache of dealing with garden pests. Insects can damage the produce, both directly and indirectly. There are a multitude of different insects that can wreak havoc on your vegetables. We asked MSU Extension Entomology Specialist Blake Layton what are the five most common insects he sees in gardens. Here’s his list: 

A photo of a female Asian horntail wasp.
June 30, 2021 - Filed Under: Insects, Insect Identification, Insects-Home Lawns, Pests

Mississippi is home to several flying insects that can be mistaken for the invasive Asian giant hornet discovered in Washington in 2020. Blake Layton, Mississippi State University Extension Service entomologist, said this insect, also called a “murder hornet,” has not been confirmed outside the Northwest. However, Layton said he has been contacted by people who think they have seen these hornets in Mississippi and Alabama in the last few weeks.