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Well Workshop Article from Extension Matters Magazine

Filed Under: Mississippi Well Owner Network
Extension Matters magazine cover showing woman standing in front of home
Kate Lartigue, well owner


Well Workshop Gives Peace of Mind

Not all water is so delicious that people ask for it to be carried across
state lines.

“My friends in Slidell, Louisiana, beg me to bring them gallons of my well water because they love it so!” reveals Kate Lartigue of Poplarville.

Lartigue is particularly pleased to share her water after attending a Mississippi Well Owner Network workshop offered by the Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Private Well Class (www. A mailing from Pearl River County MSU Extension Coordinator Dr. Eddie Smith sparked her curiosity and subsequent attendance.

“I had always been on city water, and, when we bought this place, it had a well,” she explains. “I saw a notice for the course and thought, ‘Uh-oh! Am I supposed to treat the well once a year with chlorine?
What do I do?’ So I went to learn about it, hoping for Well Owners for Dummies!”

Lartigue squeezed in with dozens of other learners concerned about water quality.

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Assc Extension Prof, Assoc Dir