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October 4-H Grab and Go Kit 2023


We love that you love learning! This month let's explore our 4-H RABBIT project area. 4-H Rabbit is a project area that is the FASTEST growing group across Mississippi.

This kit is designed to SPARK the interest of young minds and learn about all the different through Mississippi 4-H. Everybody has a skill, a talent, an interest, or a special quality that they are passionate about.  We call these things SPARKS. They provide joy, purpose, and direction. Sparks are self-discovered and self-identified.  Check back with us to continue learning with us! 


Extension Agents

Lara Angel
Laura Anglin
Jessica Sibley
Matt Thorton

DeSoto County Extension Office
3260 Highway 51 South
Hernando, MS 38632
DeSoto County Extension Office Facebook and Instagram
DeSoto County 4-H Facebook and Instagram

Please use this website to let us know if you picked up a kit.

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Let’s explore our Rabbit 4-H project area! This is one of the fastest growing 4-H projects in Mississippi! Explore this project area with us this month and learn why!

What is the 4-H Rabbit Project?

Rabbits are a popular project for younger 4-H members ages (5-7) or other members ages (8 - 18) who do not have the facilities or space for a larger animal species. Basic background information about raising and caring for rabbits will assist in making your endeavor into rabbit ownership a success.  The Mississippi 4-H Rabbit Project has grown from having 48 exhibitors to 95 exhibitors.

Interested in the 4-H Rabbit Group? Join us to learn more!

Save the date! Desoto County Rabbit Interest Meeting November 14, 2023 6 p.m. DeSoto County Extension Office, 3260 Highway 51 South, Hernando, MS 38632. 662-469-8480.

Learning never ends with Desoto County 4-H.

4-H Rabbit Show Preparation


  1. Wear long sleeves to protect your arms from getting scratched.
  2. Handle your rabbit with care, and often.
  3. Always handle your rabbit humanely. NEVER lift or carry a rabbit by its ears. This is painful for the rabbit. Lifting by the ears causes damage to the ear veins. Also, without the entire body being supported, when a rabbit kicks to free itself, it may cause bone fractures in its back or hind legs, and cause injury to nerves or tendons.
  4. NEVER lift a rabbit by its legs. This is painful, as well as can cause injury as mentioned in No. 3.
  5. NEVER lift a rabbit by the scruff of its neck without supporting the entire body weight, as injuries can occur as mentioned in No. 3. Also, fur can be damaged.
  6. Put a rug or piece of carpet on the table or area where you are handling your rabbit, so it can get a foothold when being handled. Smooth surfaces cause a rabbit to slide, making it hard to handle, groom, and pose. A rabbit will not feel secure on smooth places, and may become afraid.
  7. Handle your rabbit during the cool part of the day. Two or three short sessions are better than one long session.
  8. Handling rabbits when it is too hot can cause unnecessary stress and heat stroke.
  9. Carry your rabbit by tucking its head under your arm while supporting its body between your side and your same arm. The rabbit’s eyes should be covered by your elbow. Support the hindquarters with your free hand.


  1. Begin grooming your rabbit at least six weeks before the show.
  2. Groom in the cool part of the day.
  3. Use a table covered with a rug or piece of carpet as a grooming stand. Make sure the table is sturdy and does not wobble while grooming your rabbit.
  4. For the first few days of grooming, moisten your hands and rub them through the rabbit’s fur (from head to tail) until it is damp.
  5. Once the fur is damp, stroke the rabbit from head to tail several times to remove dead fur.
  6. Do not rub the fur backwards (from tail to head) as that can break the guard hairs.
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for several days.
  8. Then continue to groom your rabbit daily by stroking the fur from head to tail without dampening the fur. This makes the fur shiny and tight.
  9. Daily grooming improves the appearance of your rabbit, and tames it, making it easier to handle


Don’t own a rabbit? That’s ok!

We have photography and art competitions that you can compete in to win prizes! There is also a Rabbit Skil-a-Thon contest that you could participate in. There is something for all rabbit lovers to participate in! Enjoy the rabbit craft on the next page to get you started.

Enter The Mississippi State Fair Rabbit Art Contest and show us your skills! The rules and info are included in your kit. Keep reading. FYI the deadline is soon and you must be an enrolled 4-Her. Simply complete the enclosed enrollment form and create a one of a kind piece of art. 

We want you!

Submit your art work or photography by bringing a 4-H Enrollment Form along with all your projects to the Desoto County Extension Office by 5:00 PM on October 11, 2023 if you are not showing rabbits at the State Fair. We can transport your art to the State Fair for you! If you ARE showing, you can submit your entries at check in at the show.

Rabbit Photography Contest



  1. Single Photo- Black & White
  2. Single Photo- Color
  3. Photo Series

Special Rules/ Instructions

  • Photos no smaller than 4”x6” or larger than 11”x14”, printed vertically or horizontally, mounted for display.
  • Framing, without glass, and/or easel to display is optional.
  • Photo series will consist for 3-6 photos mounted together to tell a story or convey an idea.

Rabbit Art Contest

Exhibits must include a rabbit or as part of their design and be informational or promotional A contestant may enter as many classes as they choose, but may submit only one entry per class. Your name, address, age, and class entered should be clearly indicated on both the inside and outside of the entry.



  1. Drawing
  2. Painting
  3. Sculpture or Carving 

Special Rules/ Instructions

  • Must be mounted, framed, ready for display. Easel optional.
  • Absolutely no glass!



  1. Ceramics or Pottery
  2. Handmade Jewelry
  3. Clothing (made by exhibitor) or wearable art
  4. Puppet of stuffed animal
  5. Any other craft

Special Rules/ Instructions

  • Display to best suit the item(s)
  • Item(s) must be clearly and easily visible
  • Display boxes are allowed, but absolutely no glass!

Creative Writing


  1. Poem
  2. Short Story

Special Rules/ Instructions

  • Exhibit in a protective report cover or clear plastic sleeve for protection.



  1. Display
  2. Game
  3. Poster

Special Rules/ Instructions

  • Displays must be mounted on a tri-fold board or a self supporting display board with items arranged for viewing in front. The display board should provide information regarding the items (s) on display. (ie: medicine kit on display with information on board)
  • Games MUST include play instructions.
  • Posters shall be a single sheet poster board or foam board, overall size should be 22”x28’. Any other size will receive a point penalty.

Bunny Paper Plate Mask Craft


  • Paper plate
  • White paper
  • Light pink paper
  • Jumbo craft stick
  • White pipe cleaners
  • Hot glue/Elmers Glue
  • Scissors

For an example on how to cut ears and nose visit “Preschool Activity: Easter Bunny Paper Plate Mask Craft” 


  1. Cut a paper plate in half.
  2. Using a pencil draw on two half oval eyes and carefully cut out with scissors.
  3. Cut out two long oval ears and a heart about 4″ wide by 3″ tall from your white card stock.
  4. Glue the bottom of your heart to the bottom middle of your paper plate.
  5. Cut out smaller heart from your pink paper and glue the bottom of the heart to the bottom of the heart.
  6. Then cut out (6 whiskers) at 3 1/2″ per piece of pipe cleaner and glue 3 to each side of the white heart.
  7. Cut out 2 long ovals from your pink paper slightly smaller than the white paper ones, glue the pink ovals onto the white ovals, and cut the bottoms flat for the ears.
  8. Glue the ears to the back top of the plate.
  9. Then glue a jumbo craft stick onto one side of the plate to use as a handle.

Give us some feedback after you complete this kit using this client survey

Your feedback is so valuable!


Click the link at the top of this post to view the full PDF version.  

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Portrait of Ms. Lara Savage Angel
Extension Agent III
Portrait of Ms. Laura McCurdy Anglin
Extension Agent I
Portrait of Ms. Jessica L Sibley
Extension Agent III*
Portrait of Mr. Matthew Thomas Thornton
Extension Agent II*