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Farm Stress and Mental Health

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Agricultural producers are the backbone of America. They ensure everyone has access to safe, affordable, and accessible food, shelter, and clothing. This responsibility, in combination with natural disasters, changing markets, and possible work injuries, may lead to increased stress and decreased mental health in farmers and ranchers around the Southeast.

Farm stress has been identified as a key indicator of mental health and substance use disorders in rural populations. Currently, one in four farm workers report taking opioids without a prescription, abusing prescribed opioids, or being addicted to opioids.


The PROMISE Initiative

PReventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast seeks to fight the growing opioid epidemic using a multi-phase approach to prevent prescription opioid misuse in rural Mississippi. 

On the Farm

MSU Films produced an award-winning mini-series detailing the experiences of four Mississippi and Alabama farmers as they deal with the daily stresses of farm life. Watch the video here. 

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Publication Number: P3555
Publication Number: P3840

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