4-H Egg Preparation Demonstration Score Sheet
Factors used for scoring contestants in the Mississippi 4-H Egg Preparation Demonstration Contest.
Point values for each category appear in parentheses after each evaluation factor.
Appearance (5 points)
- Appropriately dressed and well groomed (5)
Presentation (45 points)
- Introduction (attention gained, purpose outlined, importance established) (5)
- Information accurate, complete and practical (5)
- Poise and friendliness (5)
- Nutritional knowledge of eggs demonstrated (5)
- Effective use of visuals and utensils used in demonstration (5)
- Summarization of main points given (5)
- Finished product shown or displayed effectively (5)
- Effective use of time allotted for demonstration (5)
- Response to judges' questions (5)
Recipe (25 points)
- Creativity and originality (5)
- Number of eggs (5)
- Does recipe follow prescribed format and is procedure relatively uncomplicated (5)
- Are ingredients readily available and reasonably economical? (5)
- Preparation time not excessive (5)
Finished Produce Quality (25 points)
- Appearance (10)
- Flavor (10)
- Texture (5)
TOTAL (100 points)
Farm supply stores are full of cute chicks in the spring, and the sight of the fluffy baby birds, combined with future dreams of fresh eggs, prompts many people to impulsively start a backyard flock.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Keeping buffalo wings on menus is a supply chain issue that goes all the way back to procedures farm workers follow to protect the health of commercially grown chickens.
Baby chickens are so cute and cuddly that few people can resist holding them. Unfortunately, as public interest in raising backyard birds has grown so has the number of Salmonella outbreaks in the U.S. (Photo by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)