How to Create a Moss Pathway
Video by Michaela Parker
A moss pathway is an easy way to add a special touch of elegance, enchantment, and royalty to your landscape. A pathway covered with bright green moss seems like something a king or queen would have in their landscape, right?
To create a moss pathway in your yard, you will need moss sheets and pavers or stones. If you don’t have moss growing at your home, you can easily purchase moss sheets at your local garden center. Moss naturally occurs in Mississippi where shade and moisture are present. Make sure the pathway is in a moist, shaded area because moss grows best in these areas.
Step 1. Loosen the soil where you want the pathway to go. The easiest way to do this is to use a garden rake or a small tiller to make the pathway.
Step 2. Place pavers or stones along the pathway in your desired locations. Be sure to leave bare soil in between to place moss on.
Step 3. When the pavers are in place, transplant moss in sheets into the soil. Firmly press the moss into the soil around the pavers to ensure good contact. Place moss in the soil until the pathway is covered to your liking.
One of the best things about creating a moss pathway is how easy it is to maintain! Right after you’ve created your pathway, be sure to water the moss daily for for 2-3 weeks to ensure proper settling. Remember to water your pathway when there are long periods without rain. You want your pathway to be as enchanting as possible, so clear the pathway of weeds and debris as needed.
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