February is Heart Health Month!

Wearing red in February isn’t just for Valentine’s Day. It’s also worn to raise awareness of the dangers of heart disease.
The American Heart Association reports about 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day. That means every 38 seconds, someone in the U.S. dies from a disease that may be prevented!
Do you know what it takes to keep your heart healthy? Take our quiz and find out! (Answers at the bottom of the post.)
True or False?
- The heart does more work than any other muscle in the body.
- Too much sodium (salt) in your diet may increase your risk for several illnesses, including heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease.
- Avoiding processed foods can lower the salt in your diet.
- Eating fruits and vegetables does not matter to your heart health.
- High fiber foods, such as brown rice and beans, are part of a heart healthy diet.
To learn more about risk factors for heart disease and what you can do to have a positive effect on your heart’s health, check out this Extension information sheet, “A Healthy Heart.”
Click here for ideas on adding more physical activity to your life!
- True
- True
- True
- False
- True
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