Law Establishing Experiment Station
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, that the State of Mississippi hereby accepts the provisions of act of Congress entitled an act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several states under the provision of 'an act approved July 2nd, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and acts of supplementary thereto, which act was approved March 2nd, 1887.'
That the money received by this state under the aforesaid act shall be expended under the direction of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of this State, situated near Starkville; and the agricultural experiment station for this State provided for in said act of Congress, shall be established in connection with said college, and the trustees of said college be and they are hereby authorized to set apart for the use of said station so much of the land and other property belonging to said college as they may deem necessary from time to time.
Be it further enacted, that this act be in force from and after its passage.
Approved January 31, 1888.
STARKVILLE, Miss.—As a father of three, Marcus Drymon has watched his fair share of Disney movies, but he never imagined his work as an associate Extension professor at Mississippi State Universit
An underserved community spent a day enjoying the outdoors at the Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge in early May as Mississippi State University Extension Service personnel hosted 20 adult residents of care homes.
Jim McAdory, MSU Extension agent in Winston County, coordinated the May 1 event with help from several other Extension agents and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff. The goal was to allow this population to experience the outdoors, complete with a hot dog lunch at the end of the event.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Trent Irby has moved into an administrative role with the Mississippi State University Extension Service after more than 12 years of serving the state’s soybean growers.
Success Stories
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
A broken-down car on a Sunday afternoon in 1983 led two attorneys to purchase forestland in Hancock County. Forty years and about 500 acres later, La Terre Farms in Kiln has wide-ranging industries that include a holiday greenery business and cut flowers grown for florists across the Gulf Coast and New Orleans.
Stafford Shurden’s weather station is ideal for monitoring conditions on his row crop farm, but he uses it even more during hunting season than growing season.