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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
P1250 Forestry Terms for Mississippi Landowners Forestry 02-06-23
P3503 Forest Herbicides: Benefits, Environmental Considerations, Testing, and Risks Forestry, Forest Management 08-18-23
P3812 Why Leaves Change Color Forestry 02-03-23
P1620 Marketing Your Timber: The Bidding Process Forestry 04-21-23
P3869 The Science of Handwashing: How Soap Kills the Coronavirus and Other Germs Health and Wellness, Health, Coronavirus 02-03-23
P3565 Thinning Hardwood Plantations Forestry, Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Timber Harvest 01-24-24
P3415 Forest Herbicide Effectiveness on Mississippi Tree and Shrub Species Forestry 05-01-23
P3463 Upland Hardwoods: Should I Manage or Regenerate My Stand? Forestry, Forest Economics, Forest Management 06-16-23
P3451 Hardwoods: What Is High-Grading? Forestry 05-16-23
P3448 Hardwood Timber Volume-to-Weight Conversions Forestry 04-21-23
P3821 Forest Herbicides: Calibrating Backpack Sprayers Forestry, Forest Management 02-03-23
P3508 Geocaching in Natural Resources: Fun with Forests around Us Forestry 09-20-23
P3143 Inspecting Your New Plantation Forestry 02-20-24
P3461 Bottomland Hardwoods Natural Regeneration Using the Shelterwood System Forestry 06-16-23
P1762 Legal Terms and Concepts for Forest Landowners Forestry 02-03-23
P1686 4-H Forestry Making a Tree Scale Stick 4-H Forestry 02-03-23
P3405 Herbicide Options for Longleaf Pine Management Forestry, Forest Management 08-26-24
P3597 Wildlife Find Food in Pine Trees, Too Natural Resources, Forestry, Wildlife 08-26-24
P1612 Forestry/Wildlife Myths and Misconceptions Forestry, Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Wildlife 08-08-24
P3381 Managing Mixed Pine-Hardwood Stands Forestry 02-03-23
