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Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
5941 Greenhouse Cold Frame (5 x 7) Agriculture, Lawn and Garden 09-17-14
P2710 Pasture and Grazing Management Under Drought Conditions Farming, Management - Forages, Livestock 05-12-23
P2717 Fall Armyworms in Hayfields and Pastures Insects-Forage Pests 10-14-21
P2718 Choosing a Consulting Forester Forestry 03-29-23
P2726 Prescribed Burning for Pasture Management Grasses, Weed Control for Forages, Forestry 01-27-25
P2729 Understanding Pruning and Injury Wounds in Fruit Trees Trees 09-29-22
P2730 Forcing Cold-Hardy Bulbs Indoors Lawn and Garden, Flower Gardens 10-20-22
P2732 Protect Your Pine Plantation Investment by Thinning Forestry 10-23-19
P2736 Good Agricultural Practices for Pecans in Mississippi Agriculture, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Nuts 01-08-25
P2738 Poultry Litter Management Farming, Poultry 07-08-22
5533 Corn Crib 04-14-14
P2744 Managing Litter Moisture in Broiler Houses with Built-Up Litter Poultry 07-20-22
P2748 Southern Pine Beetle in Mississippi: An Overview Insects-Crop Pests, Pests, Forestry, Forest Pests 03-16-22
P2753 Farmers, Chickens, and West Nile Virus Poultry 07-30-24
P2754 Water Quality Critical to Broiler Performance Poultry 11-01-24
E0001 EC HealthNet Strategic Planning Retreat Community, Food and Health 10-20-15
E0003 EC HealthNet Health Care Provider Survey Community, Food and Health 09-17-14
E0002 EC HealthNet Analysis of Healthcare Coverage Community, Food and Health 09-17-14
E0018 Data Compilation for Conservation Effects Assessment Project: Yalobusha River Watershed, Final Report Agriculture, Environment 01-27-16
P1776 Planting Southern Pines: A Guide to Species Selection and Planting Techniques Forestry 10-21-22
