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Publications RSS Feed


Publication Number Title Filed Under Date
6251 Plastic Greenhouse (12 x 17) Agriculture, Lawn and Garden 09-17-14
5801 Self-Feeding Fences Agriculture, Dairy 01-23-17
5864-A Covered Bunk Feeder (See Beef Section for Illustration) Agriculture, Dairy 01-23-17
6385 Self Feeding Hay Bunk Agriculture 09-17-14
6342 Super Calf Hutch (See Beef Section For Illustration) Beef 11-05-15
P1558 Fundamentals of Shotgun Shooting Equipment and Handling 4-H Shooting Sports 04-14-20
P3808 An Easy, Effective Way to Control Perennial Woody Weeds in Home Landscapes Weed Control for Lawn and Garden 01-26-24
P3826 Integrated Mosquito Management Insects-Human Pests, Insects-Pet Pests, Pests 10-18-22
M1385 Safe End Point Temperatures for Foods TummySafe 07-24-17
M1386 TummySafe - A Correct Hand Washing Procedure TummySafe 07-24-17
M1562 How to Collect and Package Plant Disease Specimens for Diagnosis Plant Diseases 07-22-24
M2422 Safe Riding Tips: 4-H ATV Safety 4-H Safety Programs, ATV Safety 07-01-22
P2746 Notes from the Veterans Memorial Rose Garden Flower Gardens 10-06-22
P2756 Sources of Secondary Socio-Economic Data Economic Development, Rural Development 01-03-23
P2761 Pine Straw: Harvesting the Product Agricultural Economics, Harvesting, Loading, and Transport, Agri-business, Forest Management, Pine Straw Mulch Production, Wood Products 09-01-22
P2763 Reproductive Management of Beef Heifers Beef 09-27-22
P2764 Maintaining Compliance with Mississippi's Dry Litter Poultry General Permit Poultry 07-30-24
P2765 What Homebuilders Need To Know About Termites Housing and Homebuyer, Household Insects, Termites, Pests 03-26-21
P2766 Greenhouse Tomato Budgets for Mississippi Greenhouse Tomatoes 08-04-20
P2767 Chickens Do Not Receive Growth Hormones: So Why All the Confusion? Poultry 06-01-23
