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The Junior Disease Detectives (new)

Filed Under: 4-H

The Junior Disease Detectives program is an introductory public health curriculum aimed at improving youth’s understanding of disease outbreaks, virus prevention, and public health response.

Target Audience(s):

Youth in grades 5-12.


Participants will:

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of public health and animal health professionals in an influenza outbreak investigation and the skills each need to fulfill their roles,
  • Identify steps in an influenza outbreak investigation,
  • Explain the importance of proper hand hygiene in preventing disease transmission and demonstrate correct handwashing technique, and
  • Describe how the immune system protects against illnesses and the mechanism by which vaccines provide immunity.

Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 8

Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 8

Program Delivery:

  • Educational Class
  • Educational Video (Online or DVD)
  • Group Discussion
  • Workshop

Primary Contact:

Dr. David Buys,

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