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4-H Junior Master Wellness Volunteer Program

4-H Junior Master Wellness Volunteers Program will equip youth with health messages that help improve health literacy and lead to choices and lifestyle changes for a healthier Mississippi.

Target Audience(s):

Teens ages 14-18 with an interest in the health profession and/or a passion for volunteering


Participants will:

  • Develop leadership and team-building skills,
  • Become prepared to support ongoing and new programs in communities that engage and promote healthy principles, and
  • Learn how to become prepared to provide health promotion aimed at improving health literacy and healthy lifestyle choices.

Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 6

Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 6

Program Delivery:

  • Demonstrations
  • Educational Class
  • Numbered Extension Publication
  • One-on-One Intervention
  • Print or Popular Articles
  • Social Media
  • eXtension Website
  • Other: Online Platform (Canvas)

Primary Contact:

Ann Sansing,

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