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What should the spacing be for Southern peas?

Planting too many seeds is a problem for Mississippi's Southern pea growers. Seed should be at least three inches apart in the row and the rows should be at least 30 inches apart. Planting more seed causes the plants to become viney and compete with each other for light, water, and nutrients without necessarily increasing potential yield.

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Filed Under: Greens, Peas and Beans January 6, 2003

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Most gardens look dead in the winter as gardeners wait for spring to put in their crops, but these plots can come alive in January with fresh vegetables for the table.

Filed Under: Other Vegetables, Peas and Beans, Sweet Corn, Tomato Pepper and Eggplant, Vegetable Gardens August 6, 2001

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Just as Good Friday signals the time to get the spring garden in the ground, August's heat is the indication that it's time to plant the fall garden.

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