Organic Periodicals

Abbreviations used below are: N=non-technical text or presentation, T=technical text or presentation, G=guide, explains "how-to" in the text or presentation, R=reference, charts, easy to look up information, O=describes organic practices, C=describes conventional/non-organic practices, +=a free publication that is highly recommended, *=our choice for the best publication to buy if you can only get one title in this section. While an item might refer to non-organic practices for fertility or pest management, the other information provided is applicable to organic production, and that is why the item is included.

*Organic Gardening (USA) (ISSN 0897-3792)
Rodale Press, Inc., 33 E. Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18098 (correspondence)
P. O. Box 7752, Red Oak, IA 51591-0752 (subscriptions)
tel 610-967-5171, web site
A magazine dedicated to organic vegetable, herb, fruit, and flower gardening. (bimonthly, US$3.99/issue, US$19.96/year) [N G O]

Organic Gardening (England) (ISSN 0953-7465)
P. O. Box 29, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 6YY, England
tel & fax (from the USA dial 011-44) 01472-641212
A magazine dedicated to organic vegetable, herb, fruit, and flower gardening. It is similar in scope to "Organic Gardening" (USA), but includes a British and European perspective. The two magazines are published by unrelated companies. (monthly, UKL34.50/year (air mail delivery to the USA; pay by credit card for easy currency exchange)) [N G O]

Organic Farming (ISSN 0952-1402)
Soil Association, 40-56 Victoria St., Bristol BS1 6BY, England
tel (from the USA dial 011-44) 117-914-2440
email, web site
"Organic Farming" (formerly "New Farmer and Grower") is a British publication on practical organic production. It is designed for the commercial grower, covering organic fruit, vegetable, field crop, and livestock production. Included in each issue is a section of gleanings from organic and sustainable farming publications (including academic journals) from throughout the world. (quarterly, UKL17.00/year (surface mail delivery to the USA), UKL21.00 (air mail delivery to the USA; pay by credit card for easy currency exchange)) [N G O]

Eco-Farm & Garden
REAP-Canada (Resource Efficient Agricultural Production - Canada)
Box 125, Glenaladale House, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9, Canada
tel 514-398-7743, fax 514-398-7972
email, web site
REAP-Canada is a non-profit independent research and education organization that is dedicated to improving farm profits and productivity, while minimizing adverse health and environmental effects. "Eco-Farm & Garden" is a new publication in 1998 that incorporates the previously published "Cognition" and "Sustainable Farming", and considers organic agriculture from both the home garden and the farm perspective. Some articles from "Sustainable Farming" are available on-line at Some articles from "Cognition" are available on-line at (quarterly, US$24.00/year membership & subscription). [N G O C]

Mother Earth News (ISSN 0027-1535)
Sussex Publishers Inc., 49 E. 21 St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10010
web site
A magazine that considers country life skills, low-input energy sources, and organic gardening. (bimonthly, US$3.00/issue, US$18.00/year) [N G O]

Small Farmer's Journal & Practical Horse Farming (ISSN 0743-9989)
3908 West First, Eugene, OR 97402 (correspondence)
Small Farmer's Journal, P. O. Box 1627, Sisters, OR 97759 (subscriptions)
tel 503-549-2064
A very large format magazine dedicated to farm management with draft animals. (quarterly, US$22.00/year) [N G O C]

Schatz Publishing Group, 11950 W. Highland Ave., Blackwell, OK 74631
tel 888-474-6397, email, web site
A magazine which highlights agricultural enterprises dealing with unusual crops, production methods, or marketing strategies. (bimonthly, US$4.95/issue, US$21.00/year) [N G O C]

Hort Ideas (ISSN 0742-8219)
750 Black Lick Rd., Gravel Switch, KY 40328
tel 606-332-7606, email, web site
The editors of "Hort Ideas" review journals and other sources of current information on fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals, and rewrite the information in a digested somewhat-nontechnical format. Although they stress organic material, they include information on conventional agriculture as well. It is published in a clear newsletter format. (monthly, US$20.00/year) [N T G O C]

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (ISSN 1044-0046)
Food Product Press of Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904-1580
tel 800-429-6784, 800-342-9678, 607-722-5857, fax 800-895-0582
web site
This is an academic journal devoted to scientific research on sustainable agricultural solutions to the problems of resource depletion and environmental misuse. (quarterly, US$36.00/year) [T O C]

American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (ISSN 0889-1893)
Henry A. Wallace Center for Agricultural & Environmental Policy
Winrock International
9200 Edmonston Road, Suite 117, Greenbelt, Maryland, MD 20770-1551
tel 301-441-8777, fax 301-220-0164
email,, web site
A journal which publishes scientific research papers on low-cost, resource-conserving and environmentally-sound farming methods. (quarterly, US$24.00/year) [T O C]

Journal of Pesticide Reform (ISSN 0893-357X)
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, 1249 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401
tel 541-344-5044, fax 514-344-6923
email, web site
NCAP promotes sustainable resource management, prevention of pest problems, use of alternatives to pesticides, and the right to be free from pesticide exposure. The journal is a blend of nontechnical materials and research information. Each issue focuses on one topic, and includes pesticide news, a chemical fact sheet, a fact sheet about the least toxic alternatives to a pesticide, and book reviews. (quarterly, US$25.00/year, US$15.00/year for persons of limited income) [N O C]

Solar Today (ISSN 1042-0630)
American Solar Energy Society, 2400 Central Ave., G-1, Boulder, CO 80301-2843
tel 303-443-3130, fax 303-443-3212
email, wet site
Included are reports on all aspects of solar energy, as well as reports on other renewable energy sources, energy conservation practices, energy policies, and regulations. The advertising provides a resource for locating suppliers for solar energy products. (bimonthly, US$3.75/issue, US$29.00/year) [N G]

Wind Energy Weekly (ISSN 0447-5500), and Wind Letter (ISSN 0747-5500)
American Wind Energy Association, 122 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20001
tel 202-383-2500, fax 202-383-2505
email, web site
The American Wind Energy Association provides information on and advocates for wind energy, assists business development in wind energy, and offers outreach and information to those interested in wind energy. Their weekly newsletter, "Wind Energy Weekly" (electronic, every Monday, $595.00/year) is geared to large scale wind energy development and wind energy operations. It reports on the wind industry, and business and legislative events. "Wind Letter" (monthly, $50.00/year) is geared to advocates of wind energy and those who have small scale energy production. It has a monthly column detailing some aspect of residential wind energy systems, a wind energy corporate profile, and summaries of the more important news stories from the weekly. They also have for-sale publications and free fact sheets on various aspects of wind energy. [N]

Living Earth (ISSN 1360-1741)
Soil Association, 40-56 Victoria St., Bristol BS1 6BY, England
tel (from the USA dial 011-44) 117-914-2440
email, web site
This magazine is about organic food, and includes information on and arguments for organic farming. It does not cover organic production methods. (monthly, UKL20.00; pay by credit card for easy currency exchange) [N G O]

HerbalGram (ISSN 0899-5648)
American Botanical Council, and the Herb Research Foundation
P. O. Box 144345, Austin, TX 78714-4345
tel 800-373-7105 (orders), 512-926-4900, fax 512-926-2345
email, web site
The focus of HerbalGram is the effects of, use of, and markets for medicinal herbs. It does not consider methods of production. It is a blend of popular literature and research reviews, and also includes conference reports and book reviews. (quarterly, US$6.95/issue, US$29.00/year) [N T]

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Publication Number: P3867


Filed Under: Crops, Organic Fruit and Vegetables, Soils, Soil Health, Beekeeping, Herb Gardens, Vegetable Gardens June 28, 2018

SAUCIER, Miss. -- Producers and gardeners looking for tips on growing herbs and improving their soil can attend a July 20 field day.

Filed Under: Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Green Industry, Organic Fruit and Vegetables, Other Vegetables, Corn, Cotton, Nuts, Peanuts, Soybeans, Equine, Goats and Sheep, Poultry, Lawn and Garden, Forestry, Seafood Economics, Seafood Harvesting and Processing March 7, 2018

ELLISVILLE, Miss. -- Mississippi State University representatives met with agricultural clients in Ellisville recently to discuss research and education needs for 2018. More than 115 individuals attended this year's event.

A Mississippi State University specialist stands before a room of seated meeting participants.
Filed Under: Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Green Industry, Organic Fruit and Vegetables, Other Vegetables, Nuts, Forages, Beef, Equine, Goats and Sheep, Swine February 26, 2018

Agricultural clients met with Mississippi State University personnel to discuss research and education needs during the annual Producer Advisory Council Meeting for the southwest region February 20.

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