Where do I start to obtain a water quality permit?
First, contact your county agent to discuss your plans to develop a swine operation. Your county agent will assist you in selecting the right system for your pork production goals.
To obtain a water quality permit, contact the county Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). They will assist you in the development of a waste management plan and the application for a water quality permit.
Information you should have before contacting NRCS includes:
- Type of operation. Example: Farrow to finish, feeder pig, etc.
- Size of operation
- Total land available for swine production and waste application
- Facility Designs
- Crops receiving Waste
Once the waste management system and a waste management plan have been developed, the application is sent to the Department of Environmental Quality for review. The application is presented to the Permit Board for approval. Once approved, a site inspection is made and approval granted for construction for the waste system. After construction is complete, another inspection will be made before animals are placed into the operation. If all requirements are satisfied, then the permit is issued and production can begin.