Midwinter weed control (1-12-09)
Your Extension Experts
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Chickweed, lawn burweed, henbit, wild garlic, annual bluegrass and other annual weeds are showing up in our lawns now and if we wait until spring to control them they will become very unsightly and much more difficult to remove. They are best controlled while in an immature stage of growth and before they reproduce seed that will infest the lawn again next year.
There are also added advantages of applying post-emerge herbicides now rather than waiting until spring. The safety factor to the turf and surrounding landscape plants is much greater now while they are dormant. We are most likely not mowing now and not removing the foliage from these weeds that is needed to absorb the herbicide for their control.
Refer to the turf section of Extension Publication #1532 - Weed Control Guidelines for Mississippi for specific herbicide recommendations.
Published January 12, 2009
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. wwells@ext.msstate.edu