Gloworm 1
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4 January 2002
Volume X number 1
Greetings for 2002! Hibernation was great, but I’m trying to beat the `ground hog’ out this year and hope to do better in passing the `buggy’ news out to insect enthusiasts. This first issue of 2002 will be used mostly for announcements and items of interest.
I’m enclosing the announcement and rules for the 2002 Bee Essay Contest. We have extended the deadline to January 22, 2002. I hope that all 4-Hers will take advantage of this opportunity.
Also announcing CAMP DATES for 2002. We will have two camps in 2002 and hope to accommodate a few more folks in this manner. The first camp will be in Gulfport beginning the afternoon of May 31 through lunch on Tuesday, June 4. The 2nd camp at Tombigbee State Park, Tupelo, will begin Sunday afternoon July 21 through Thursday lunch, July 25, 2002. We will begin taking applications for both camps in early February, so make your plans now and come chase bugs with us this summer.
The 4-H Entomology Linnaean Games continue to gain popularity. Remember, this is a team effort so recruit friends and begin to get prepared for the GAMES. We have submitted the manual for publication, but it has not yet been printed, so anyone who needs a copy to begin preparation for the Games may obtain one by contacting me. Most 4-H Agents also have a copy of the manual. Check the rules for the Games at
Happy Bugging,
Michael Williams
Extension Entomologist